Reply To: Download Sample Packs From Previous Months?


Hey Christoph,

A core principle of Sample Genie has been to keep moving forward with fresh content for our members.
This is first and foremost for them: we have some loyal members who have been with us since the very beginning and others since then. They have collected the samples month on month, selling these packs at a discount at a later date to others is just not something we would be comfortable doing.
Secondly by creating a moving stream of content it varies what’s out there, with different producers having different Sample Genie libraries depending on when they were members.
And just generally – it keeps things fresh and different, unqiue to Sample Genie.
Something to mention however is that some of the artistws we have worked with later went on to make packs for other sample sites, or do their own monthly content options following a similar format, so there are opportunities to get samples from some of these guys if you have a look around.

Anyway, hope this helps explain a bit better,
All the very best

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