As a project, and a platform, we love and appreciate all styles of this music. How can you not? It surely has to be the most diverse genre of electronic music and this is to be celebrated. We have always loved the deeper, brooding side to D&B – the side that shares a main artery with Jungle, and hardcore; with vintage breaks run red; samplers and desks being used & abused; atmospheres that make your hairs stand on end. We wanted season 10 to contain & represent this special aesthetic: and we wanted the very finest to cover it. So we head to the awe inspiring Canada and get down amongst it….

These guys have so much history together: as friends and also as producers and artists. A chemistry and shared vision in the studio that can’t be synthesised, which is a big reason why we are so delighted to have them involved, as a well-oiled duo is a joy to behold.

Gabriel (Gremlinz) has a formidable back catalogue that stretches way-back. Outings on Renegade Hardware, Metalheadz, Samuari, 31, Paradox, Cylon: the list goes on. He’s a true underground soul and has garnered massive respect across the whole scene, for both his production prowess and powerful DJ sets. Jesta (as you will read in the interview) goes way back in this scene too and together with Gremlinz they have written a substantial number of tracks over the years. Never seeming to put a foot wrong, their sound is unwavering in quality and authenticity. With an album soon to drop on the mighty Headz, this is literally the perfect time to have these guys serving up content to inspire and arm you on your journey. We head into the deepness…….HYPE.

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