Meet Rillium…

It’s always fantastic to discover new artists and people through our work, each year we hold a demo submission window which is a great time to see what’s going on and hear what people are up to out there. Every year we get sent amazing tunes of a wide variety of styles and there are usually a couple of tracks that really stand out. This year, in February, a tune landed by an artist known only as ‘Rillium’ this track ended up on repeat in the office here for many days! There was a technical ability that shone through the sound, and some really beautiful musical moments that gave an indication as to the talent behind it. We had to find out more about this person, and we did! His track was sent out to various people and immediately got the attention of Jon (IMANU), and it’s clear to see why. They later made contact again when Kirill won a remix competition of an IMANU track (link below). The tune we heard through the demo submission was later kindly passed on by Jon and is actually due for release on a BIG label later this year, so we’re very excited for this!

The future is looking very bright for Rillium: cool name, big sound, big talent. We suggest you keep an eye on this one!

We thought we’d introduce you to him and asked a few questions to find out more...

Hey Kirill, it’s nice to meet you! It’s always amazing how the internet can bring people together – where in the world are you based?

Hello! I live in Moscow, Russia.

How long have you been producing music for now?

I started making music on PC about 8 years ago. There were periods when I stopped doing this for various reasons. The first DAW was FL studio (I don’t remember the version). But after a year or two I switched to Ableton 8 and stayed on it forever more. But I began to compose music since childhood, when I was in music school.

What is your set-up and what are your favourite tools?

My setup:
– Powerful PC
– Steinberg ur22 mkII Audio Card
– Yamaha HS8 Monitors
– Beyerdynamic DT990 250 ohm headphones
– Alesis V25 midi keyboard
– Ableton 10
– Favorite tools: Serum, Trash 2, Pro-Q3, Pro-L, kilohearts plugins, SPAN

You work as a professional musician already, is that right?

Yes, I am a professional pianist & Gnesins Music Academy graduate. Now I work there as a concertmaster with vocalists and a teacher with foreign students of the preparatory department (I help prepare for the entrance exam)


How long have you been interested in Drum & Bass or is it a new discovery for you? And what was the first track you remember hearing?

A difficult question 🙂 I think I installed a DAW after listening to the Prodigy album ‘Invaders Must Die’ and Netsky ‘2’. I approached the music production more seriously after the first album by Skrillex and also Nero. This was the moment when I realised that I needed to buy good headphones (but I bought bad ones unfortunately :D). Of course, I heard a dark sound from Noisia and then Teddy Killerz. To be specific it was the Prodigy ‘Smack my bitch up’ (Noisia Remix) and Teddy Killerz ‘New drums’.

We’re really excited about what the future holds for you 🙂 some stuff is still yet to be announced, but is there any news you can share with us yet?

Thank you for your interest in my work! There is not so much news available right now, but a couple of weeks ago I remixed a track by IMANU ‘Pulse:

Honestly, I did not expect such a good reaction to the remix from the audience and from some famous artists too! It’s blown my mind.
And the most important news at the moment: one of my tunes was taken into a compilation (label revealed soon). Will be released this fall! I should mention that this track was made for the SG Demo Submission 2020 last winter.
That’s all. I am currently working on several new solo tracks. Their fate is not yet clear. I hope these songs will be released.

Finally, What do you think of Sample Genie?

This is very cool! The opportunity to watch a quality tutorial on almost any topic is just awesome! I got a lot of production information here. Thank you very much SG team! All the best

Thanks for the chat Kirill, we wish you all the best for your future – we’ll (all) be watching very closely!

UPDATE Rillium’s debut single, ‘Mind Trap’ on Blackout Music is out now 😀

UPDATE 11.5.21

Petrel [Neu Music]

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