NYMFO Joins The Team!

:: Announcement 2/6: We bring you the exciting news that NYMFO aka Bardo Camp is joining our new team on their quest to educate and inspire you in the ways of Bass and Drum!

Nymfo is a name well known to the real heads of our scene. Standout singles for RAM Records, Hospital Recordings and Metalheadz have all made his name synonymous with tough, techno-tinged dancefloor drum & bass. Consistently releasing music since 2007 on labels like Dispatch Recordings, CIA, Spearhead, Innerground and Commercial Suicide. Nymfo has collaborated with Dutch artists like Black Sun Empire, Maduk and June Miller and of course Sample Genie Seasonaires’, State Of Mind.
His intuitive knowledge of a dance floor through being a DJ for many years is what seems to drive his creative ideas in the studio; knowing what works in the dance and always capturing a different vibe – never making the same tune twice.

This is just one of the reason why Bardo is going to be a real weapon in the new team. It’s that magical intersection where the creative meets the technical meets the experience of being a wicked DJ.  So it comes with great excitement and pleasure that we announce this news!



Fresh back from a tour of South Africa we asked Nymfo a few questions…

You’ve been travelling for some time now as a DJ, what is that experience like? 

It’s amazing to visit so many beautiful places around the world; because you followed your passion. But what I like a lot too is that you are always hanging out with the local people (promoter) who can show you the really cool stuff of a certain city. And I think seeing so many different cultures has changed me a lot too, in a positive way! And after I’ve been away travelling, I’m always very motivated to get back into the studio.

How long have you been involved with D&B now?

I’ve been deejaying for 20 years now and releasing music since 2006. While I’m answering this I’m realising I’m starting to get old hah! Before that I was swapping mixtapes from Pirate Radio shows. So I think in total I’ve been addicted to the genre for 25 years.

How did you move into production, and what’s your current set-up? 

After some years of deejaying, the next logical step would be producing to get more gigs abroad, on top of the local shows. I was lucky to have my homies Icicle and Proxima living in the same area at that time, so they helped me a lot in the early stage. Current set up is very straight forward : MacBook Pro with Ableton 10, Mackie HR824, Focusrite Scarlett soundcard and a Yamaha midi keyboard.

How would you describe your ethos when it comes to making music, what kind of feelings are looking to stir up in your listeners?

I’m more a vibes kinda producer and not the most technical geek. If the vibe is there, I’m a happy man. DNB gets very technical these days and it’s often what can make it lose that vibe. And I’m always a very diverse producer, trying to think outside the box.

What are 3 of your favourite older D&B tracks?

Capone – Friday
Jonny L – Wish U Had Something
Photek – Ni Ten Ichi Ryu

Have you ever done tutorials before? What can our members look forward to learning from you this season?

Never!! I’m thinking about the concepts a lot over the last few days. But as I mentioned earlier, I’m not going to talk for 30 minutes on how to process a snare or kick. There are too many tutorials of that online already. I wanna go deeper into playing around with cool sounds and old samples to get the vibe going. The way of working how everyone started back in the day with DNB.

Which areas of the samples are you most looking forward to making for us?

My neighbour at the studios where I am based has all the hardware you can imagine. So I have been playing around there a lot to make new sounds (Probably some stuff you will see on the tutorials too)….

More announcements dropping in the coming weeks!

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