Sample Genie Adopts Bitcoin!


Some of you will already be aware, but it’s now official… From today you can sign up using the latest block chain technology!

Bitcoin has had its ups and downs – there’s no question about it – and its future is still somewhat uncertain, but there is a strong case in point that in some form or another Bitcoin will be around forever. People were highly sceptical of PayPal in its early days – remember? But little did they know it would become what it is today. Blockchain technology has walked a similar path of caution-to-adoption, and it’s now estimated that there are over twenty million BTC wallets alone (before other currencies are considered). Bitcoin is widely regarded as the original coin, and its advances in the form of Segregated Witness (SegWit) and the Lightning Network demonstrate the community to be highly adaptive and creative group of people when it comes to problem solving with a view to making this technology work for all.

This update to our site has made sense for several reasons – not least that we can now offer our services to a wider range of people across the globe. Previously our users have encountered barriers in certain countries of residence – stopping them from joining our site via a PayPal subscription. The main locations we discovered were China & Germany, but limitations may well have been beyond this too…

The great news is that it’s now possible for people to join Sample Genie and the latest adoption of Cryptocurrency is one of these options. Breaking down barriers: just what Blockchain was made for! Prospective members can now choose either a 6 or 12-month subscription and pay instantly using their preferred Bitcoin wallet.

We have also opened up the 6 & 12-month option to non-Bitcoin users too: You can either sign up with just a bank card, or with a PayPal account too, giving people a broader range of options when looking to become a premium Sample Genie member.

So,watch this space for more updates and Alt-coin adoptions, who knows where the future will take us next…
Got some Bitcoin lying around? Why not use it to invest in your creative side.

PS – We are open to accepting other Alt-coins too, but we are just assessing demand first before branching out. If you have a preferred currency, please take a moment to do this quick poll to help us with future development…

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