06 | RILLIUM – Creating Progression


Sample Genie has always been about bringing you exciting artists and thinkers to learn with and from, which is why having RILLIUM with us the season is so exciting, a guy with incredible skills in all areas of production, from musicianship, theory, sound engineering and artistic vision. Rillium is a producer on the rise. He has releases on Blackout, NEU, Surveillance and others.  This month he analyses what 16 bars are about. What is needed from them and how they can be developed outward in time to create something that progresses, but yet repeats. He explains the three key stages of a bass phrase, and working on a project live, demonstrates how samples can be used in clever ways. He also looks over a track that is nearly finished to show these ideas in another context. There is also a bonus video from him showing how he goes about making some of that neuro bass in Serum. All in all, more inspiring thinking and great ideas from a superb producer. Enjoy!

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