07 | KYRIST X RIZZLE – How To: Collab


This is a first for Sample Genie a collaboration project between two D&B artists, with the whole thing filmed…

In this special edition, Kyrist and Rizzle pass a project between them, each taking on different roles and combining ideas and techniques to get a new tune written.

They begin from the ground up: Rizzle designs the break, crafting each element to perfection; Kirsty then carries on from here and programs some chunky modern Bristol style basses. Rizzle then writes some luscious musical and FX parts (including a really amazing intro). Finally Kyrist does an update to the arrangement and mixdown.

It’s a full and honest look at how the creative and technical process unfolds, so it includes their full thought process, including all the experimentation, occasional dead ends and changes that you get in a real life production session.