09 | DOCUMENT ONE- Synth Sound Design


Working with the Doc 1 guys is such a pleasure, always full of ideas and having them both on the video together is a joy to listen to, you can really see how two brains join as one in their productions. We’re all really pleased with how this month’s mini-video series has come out, in terms of the content, audio and visual formatting – Good work all round! The guys serve up 5 specialised videos, each one diving into how Serum can be programmed for today’s D&B standards: Pads, Leads and Bass. They look at the kind of routing configurations that make modern and exciting sounds, and then finish on a session dedicated to resampling and taking sounds outside the box. They share some of their secret VST weapons for sound design and generally their approach to fun with sound – what it’s all about! Layed out over five segments: 💡Pad Design  💡Lead Design 💡Bass Design pt 1 💡Bass Design pt 2 💡Resampling

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