
in terms of frequency space, im limited only by monitors and headphones which by all ryles are a constant necessity to improve. But i spent most of my years with dynaudio acoustics so i know them pretty well, the rest is knowing your room acoustic properties. I like to do unecessary things, sometimes keeping track very dirty or very clean (rarely clean but depends on a job). Some big labels were trying to get a hold of my tracks under condition to polish the samples and i said how would flying lotus sound if you polish his samples, or jdilla? frequencies are also personal opinion. and music standard is just there for business. i dont believe that music should be business in that direction so when it comes to mixing i do it my way and noone elses. So those hair dryers need to be lucifer’s sons and turbines should be their hellhounds, riding on 16th sub sidechained to a dry limbo.

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