

In its core to explaining the approach, i believe when i started young it was a game of trials and errors, which naturally lead to improvements so if you constantly fail at one thing you will constantly succeed in another and learn from mistakes. When i approach my builds, i always think about does it sound futuristic or not / have i heard this somewhere before as well. The strategy behind the builds is a plenty of highend which is more free ( ( there is more stuff you can put there ). In terms of multiple cool and exciting uplifters. And there is so much you can put on the build and carve your way. Also listen to the music in movie trailers for example, how the builds are moving toward what picture and use that example to imagine your drop as an important movie frame and try to understand what happened in the trailer, so it gives you one cinematic direction that works very good.

In your Dojo track you have a skilled front of the track, now it is time to play with background subtle sounds small effects that dont interfere with this front and more uplifting power on the start. i still find lots of pitching up synth and short loops rotating faster and faster to be the best thing berofe the drop. Audience is still demanding that kind of tease in club standards. But dont let that be the guide, confuse those fu#ers, they are there because they love science drops.

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