BUUNSHIN Analogue Noise Samples

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  • Author
    • #129915
      ,GENIE HQ

      The new tutorial from Buunnshin is up!

      To grab the noise samples he made in the video, jump on messenger here:


      and type the phrase: BUUNSHIN!


    • #134143

      In the video he shows to folders, analogue and digital. When you download the link I only seem to get 3 analogue samples. Is this correct? Thanks

    • #134179
      ,GENIE HQ

      In the video he shows to folders, analogue and digital. When you download the link I only seem to get 3 analogue samples. Is this correct? Thanks

      That’s right the tutorial is trying to encourage you to make your own digital versions yourself if you can.
      But the three noise samples included for free are quite substantial – 4-5 minutes each, so you have nearly 15 minutes of totally unique analogue noise to play with 🙂

    • #138244

      At first glance this tutorial might seem kinda useless until the point where you start thinking about:
      ”Where do I get my own from?”
      ”Are there any devices I could use?”

      Then looking at my Shure SM57 Mic and the Steinberg UR22mkII.
      Thanks for the sound gathering session you send me to. No more doubting whether the gathered noise is a good choice. Im now having my completely own white noise layer for every element where it could be useful either snare top layer or to crisp up the reece a bit :*
      Very appreciated
      I’d love to see more of this kind.

      • #145651

        I would like to add that with a little diy skills, you can take a pickup from a guitar and get tons of these noise sounds. There is an awesome book called “Handmade Electronic Music”. Look it up if you are into this kind of stuff.

    • #145489

      Any chance of getting this without messenger? Not a facebook user.

    • #145596


      email me:




      _-| get to work |-_

    • #145605
      ,GENIE HQ

      Any chance of getting this without messenger? Not a facebook user.

      Sure, HERE YOU GO 😀

    • #145624

      Thanks, Shrike already helped! appreciated.

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