Lamp Sessions (Monthly Challenge #007 & Member Sample Pack) – December 2018

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    • #60289

      First off, I just wanted to say thanks to the other contributors for your time & effort for this month’s challenge, and for taking part in these. Thanks to the other members, and to the Sample Genies, for their support and feedback. I wanted to do something special for December, so here is a free sample pack created by Sample Genie members, and a few extra surprises in the .zip. Links and challenge details are below.

      Also, there will be no Lamp Sessions for January or February 2019, as Sample Genie will be doing a demo submission call. Early info was in the monthly email, and full details will be announced by Sample Genie in the coming weeks. Lamp Sessions will be back in March 2019, and we hope everyone is able to use January and February to write some great music.

      Lamp Sessions #007 (December 2018) – Member Created Sample Pack

      Contributors to the pack:
      Balron –
      Fake –
      Freeman –
      LiEnN –
      R4NS0M –
      Shrike –

      Download Links:
      Mirror #1:
      Mirror #2:

      CHALLENGE #007
      Samples From Around The Globe

      (Or at least Europe & North America)

      A group of us created a sample pack to share with the forum. Please use some of our sounds to write a one & half to three minute demo track (+/- 15 seconds). The material in the +EXTRAS folder is fair game too… Submit it for the challenge crew to hear!

      Listen to the other submissions & pick one demo as your favorite, other than your own submission. Feedback on final submissions is encouraged as well, but not required. Just remember “Want feedback? Give feedback.”

      SUBMISSIONS DUE: December 31, 2018

      VOTES DUE: Before the January samples go live, usually the 2nd of the month.
      Genies and Moderators are exempt from prizes, so be sure to vote for another member.

      SUBMIT: Upload a private track on SoundCloud and share the link in this thread any time after December 23, 2018. Please, no work in progress uploads, or “feedback on what I’ve done so far”, just post your final submission. Collaborations are okay, but if you post a collab, you cannot also post a solo piece or additional collaborations.

      PRIZE(?!?): The submission with the most votes from fellow participants & Sample Genies, will get a free month of Sample Genie next month. GENIE HQ has final say, and will announce a winner at the conclusion of each month.

      Any questions, just ask.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #60299

      Nice work everyone, the pack is cool 🙂

      Harry, shouldn’t the challenge be “sample pack only”? Use as much processing/resampling as needed but stick to the samples? We got plenty to play with imo.

    • #60300

      Nice work everyone, the pack is cool

      Harry, shouldn’t the challenge be “sample pack only”? Use as much processing/resampling as needed but stick to the samples? We got plenty to play with imo.

      Sorry, my wording was weird. Yes, sample pack only, but the Extras folder in there is part of it.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #60314

      BIG UPS to HARRY for all of his time and effort, for all of the Lamp Sessions!

      Also, this is a pretty gnarly pack…this is a talented lot, much respect

      And Harry, just so we are clear: you didn’t need to participate in the pack making to participate in the challenge, correct? The challenge itself is still open to All SG, yeah?

      Looking forward to hearing the entries!

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #60315

      BIG UPS to HARRY for all of his time and effort, for all of the Lamp Sessions!

      Also, this is a pretty gnarly pack…this is a talented lot, much respect

      And Harry, just so we are clear: you didn’t need to participate in the pack making to participate in the challenge, correct? The challenge itself is still open to All SG, yeah?

      Looking forward to hearing the entries!

      Yeah, sorry if that wasn’t clear, the pack is for anyone to use any time, and you did not need to contribute to the pack to participate in this month’s challenge.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #60325

      I enjoyed listening to everyone’s contributions, good job on organizing the pack Harry. Time to get a tune assembled.

    • #60334

      Cheers for arranging this Harry, and everyone who contributed, there’s some really cool material for this month.
      I would have arranged my folders differently if I knew the format though, it must have taken you ages!

    • #60423

      I know I’m not very active on this forum, definitely keen for this challenge. Been feeling very uninspired recently and i feel this is the push i need. Thanks for putting the time in for this challenge

      Much love people 🙂

      Nothing of interest here.

    • #60425

      Thanks for putting in the work guys! Definitely a cool challenge. Looking forward to hear all of the contributions. 😀


    • #60485

      Thank’s a lot for the samples peeps. Looking forward to downloading them for this challenge.

      Thanks for Harry for these monthly challenges looking forward 2019!

    • #61017

      I know its SG samples only. But how do we feel about using vocals from movies to add that bit extra…?

      Feel like it could add a bit more to my tune thats all

      Nothing of interest here.

      • #61034

        I say if it makes a better tune, but the majority of sounds are sg, then go for it

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #61047

        Yeah, if it’s dialog and not major harmonic part, go for it. Some of the sketches I’ve done for past sessions, I did without dialog, but then the ones that I built up afterwards often had stuff like that added.

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

      • #61050

        Yes perfect. Im keeping it 100% of the other samples. Having fun messing with them. The restriction to use whats there is actually helping me finish off tunes

        Nothing of interest here.

    • #61685

      Looks like this is the first submission? I was hoping to hear some from others by now. I didn’t want to take it too seriously and work right up to the deadline, plus I’m kind of sick of working on what I have already so here it is.
      It was great being restricted to such a good sample pack, lots of fun, and everything came together pretty quick. Much easier than trying to create and sound design everything yourself.
      I like the core loop I have going for this, but IMO it probably gets a bit stale and could do with a switchup for the last 32 bars, but I don’t have the patience right now. It would definitely need some shaking up if there was a second drop for a full length track.

      Everything is purely from the sample pack, except for a couple of vocal snippets I nicked from a public domain movie.

      Not my most technical track but open to feedback in order to improve on future efforts.


      • #61698

        Needs more of an intro, Maybe extend out the first part use some main Fx elements, drop the snare. Build more of a vibe.
        Theres so much going on. I like the growl-y bits that sound kind of like vocals. The beat and percussion I’m feeling for sure. The bass isn’t mixed very well. Tops sound far to spread and separate ?
        Definitely reckon its worth working on. Try muting some of the channels and seeing if you really miss them that much. if you do miss them try bringing them in and out of the track rather than everything always being present. Strip it back and see what your left with 🙂

        Nothing of interest here.

      • #61706

        Thanks for the reply. Something’s just occured to me though, the feedback is great but if what we submit is the final submission it kind of detracts from working on it any further? Or do we just wait until the competition is over and then share for further feedback in a WIP post or something.

        Anyways cheers yeah the intro is a bit weak and I didn’t do much processing to the bass samples to bring the subbass out and/or make it more consistent, its a bit rough.
        I might work on it a bit further and go through what you’ve mentioned. Appreciate your comments.

      • #61734

        Theres nothing to stop you from working on it further and refining it and using it for personal use. Surely the whole point in these challenges is too push each other and give technical advice and help each other progress. Even if you don’t use the feedback on the current track you can take it away and use it on future productions 🙂

        Nothing of interest here.

      • #62130

        I like a lot of the sounds and the over all jungle vibe as well! I would be interested to hear how it progresses, if you decide to keep working on it.

      • #63020

        I am really in to how tense & hectic this feels.

        Also, re: submissions, my original intent for the demo length submissions was so people would participate even if they did not have a full track to submit. I wanted to get people writing, and not feel they couldn’t have a voice in the sessions if they didn’t have a full track. Also wanted people to know they could develop tracks further after a session. I know a few people use the monthly prompt to generate a few sketches, submit one, but then also build up the others.

        Next Lamp Session will be in March, and I’ll be changing the wording on the “rules” so people know they can post a sketch or a full track, the titles can be whatever, as long as there is some mention of Lamp Session.

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #61735

      Alright, so heres my submission.

      After trying to mix this down for so long…. theres a few things I’ve noticed. At points theres too much high end and kind of fatiguing, I’ve tried EQing some points but it detracts from the vibe. Also kind of muddy think I’ve been messing around too much and ruined it personally. Drums were punching through nicely but lowered the levels and brought everything else up as when i played on a phone could pretty much only hear the drums. Any advice would be sweet, thanks Genies 🙂

      Nothing of interest here.

      • #61736

        “Track Removed…”

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #61783

        Weird, works on my end. And definitely is not removed!? Taken it off private so hopefully works…. without attracting all those pesky bots

        Nothing of interest here.

      • #62131

        Pesky bots beware! Dark minimal vibes made to infect!!

      • #63021

        Good to see you involved this month Second Encounter! Your submission has a different feel to it, a bit more on the lurching, creeping vibe IMO. In to the little rolls, edits, and how the bass slithers along.

        Also, drop me an email or DM on DOA if you need any suggestions for the project you might take on there, or if you have any questions about how I started doing the Lamp Sessions. Happy to help!

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #62134

      This was actually a second attempt, but im glad now I decided to restart fresh. I will certainly be spending more time on this at some point, developing the intro, resampling, adding more edits etc etc. Thanks for all the awesome samples to play with yall <3 Big Ups Sample Genie Crew!!

      • #63000

        Sinchrome – Nice bit of tension in there. the intro sections could be gelled a little better, can definitely tell its samples there. Maybe add a touch of delay or reverb to join together.

        Tasty little bassline you’ve got going on there. Drums working well here, nice groove.

        Nothing of interest here.

      • #63024

        Welcome to the Lamp Sessions Sinchrone! In to what you put together, sounding good, really like how you have so many elements building it up. Going back in, you could squeeze some more variations out your mid-basses and have a full on monster… maybe track down Logam since you’re in ATL, and try for a release Santoku? Also, really like the “hey” shouts, or whatever you manipulated to sound like a vocal.

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #62407

      So yeah guys, there is my submission too. Its my second attempt because I lost the first file somehow, but at least I like this version more 😛 It was a fun challenge and thanks for all the guys that put in the work for the sample pack, it was a nice selection of stuff to work with 😀 cheers

      • #62974

        Nice one! Im diggin the vibes!

      • #63001

        Like the use of those strings to subtly guide the intro.

        Loving the vibe you’ve got going on here. Using the “space” of your track very well. Minimal vibes. I feel some more variation would be nice 🙂 Maybe a little breakdown as well

        Nothing of interest here.

      • #63025

        Another new participant, thanks for taking part Martialystikz! I found the intro build up interesting, the way the drums filter up a little, come back, then filter again. Also like the bass work.

        BTW, saw “Kilah Mozquito” on your soundcloud, and the cover art left me wondering if you’ve read the comic Skyward?

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

      • #63202

        Thanks everyone 😀
        and Harry, not yet but now I’ll probably check it out 😛

    • #62973

      Glad to see some new faces with some wicked entries!
      Thought I’d mix things up a bit this month with some experimental half time, I figured it’d be a fun way of making use of as much of the pack as possible.
      I put a more conventional tune I made with the pack up on my soundcloud too if anyone is interested, won’t be my entry though as it’s a bit TOO minimal

      • #62975

        Sick tune!! Thanks for the wicked samples!

      • #62976

        FAKE, I enjoy it every time you come round with something new…no diff this time, well done and well done

        Posting my shizz in a bit…

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #63002

        Eerie noises there.

        Glitchy as fuck, great drum work. Wicked little track you’ve smashed out here.

        Nothing of interest here.

      • #63026

        Like I’ve told you before, your workflow is fantastic. Immediately thought of 20/20 and that style of music, cool to hear how so many elements are used on this, 2019 is going to be big for you. And I dig the extra sketch you posted.

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

      • #63632

        I like all the entries but this one is my favorite.
        I love Reptilians from Noisia, Mefjus & Hybris and this track is basically Reptilians VIP 😀

    • #62977

      Really nice turnout this time! I’ll leave proper feedback in a day or two.

      I had fun with this one. Happy new year genies!

      • #63027

        So much going on with this, really like how you arranged the elements. The little vocal bits, the way it drops, got a good vibe from listening to it, legit smiled when I listened. Great to see you back this month!

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

      • #63091

        Nice and funky this one! Thanks for the dope samples!

    • #62980
      • #62981

        Oh, also: much of the drum arrangement in mine was by the Mighty Lord Balron.

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #63019


        The drop on this grabbed me Shrike, and I am a sucker for fills and vocal shouts.

        Also, thanks for contributing samples for the pack, and all the work you’ve put in with the moderating and feedback for the Sessions. We wouldn’t be where we are without it!

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

      • #63092

        Lots of sick edits in this one! I like the build up to the drop as well. Thanks for your sample submissions!

      • #63149

        Liking them drums nice and punchy.

        That intro was wicked. Just the right amount going on, not overcrowded not too minimal. Just enough to build a vibe.

        Lovely drop, would like a finished version of this 🙂

        Nothing of interest here.

    • #63044

      Wow. I am mind blown by the quality and diversity of all the entries. Great work everyone!

      I wasn’t able to make a proper entry this month so I am glad I at least did a few sounds for the pack to contribute a bit.

      • #63093

        Im glad you did as well Balron lol! Thank you!

      • #63176

        me too

    • #63141

      Big Ups to everyone that participated! My vote goes to Freeman.

    • #63146

      great one from freeman

    • #63203

      Amazing work, definitely a strong output from everyone who participated. My Vote goes to Fake, even though Freeman’s track is a heater too. Hard to decide between all those entries though haha 😀

    • #63261

      Great productions this month. Enjoyed listening to all of them. I didn’t get near to finishing so just some feedback this month.

      Hard to choose but vote goes to Sinchrone’s – Track is pure fire!!!.

    • #63324

      Ace to see some new faces with fresh submissions! I’ll get proper feedback done ASAP.

      It’s a close one, I think I’ll have to vote for Martialystikz though. I just really liked the atmosphere of your tune, I’m really getting into more minimal stuff at the moment and I really like the vibes you had going on.

      Props to Shrike for a killer drop too, I really love that sub-hit you have with the kick, makes it super hard!

    • #63325

      Oh this is so great to see this turnout, espcially in a month that can be quite busy for folks. Pouring out my 40 for m y homies that missed out this time, but I know you lot will be back soon.

      And big big ups to Harry, who has done a phenomenal job keeping all of these challenges on the rails…it doesn’t just happen, folks…Harry puts in WORK. Thank you for that.

      My thoughts on entries:

      Freeman – Really nice vibe, well mixed, everything coming through as it likely should. It’s fun & informative to hear how others used my sounds! I’m sure you all feel that way at least a bit. There isn’t really much to critique here. Sub bass is strong, creativity is in full flow…this is very nice.

      Fake aka 6F7A – Dirty dirty grimey half funk. This is well-executed in every way. Very strong. Always love hearing your new tings.

      Martialystikz – nice low key groove, elements are working well together; I’d say some bits could be made a bit stronger, like the weird wobbly lead that comes in 16 after the drop…that’s a very subjective thing, it could just maybe do with a little more shine & presence

      Sinchrone – Nice tune, solid concept, good execution. I think it needs a last 3-5% of *something* in the mix (je ne sais quoi…?) to help glue things together just a little bit. What I mean is that I’m wishing the low sub would creep into a glue a bit better with the low & mid, and I think you could possibly achieve this with a bit more (gentle) compression and eq on the master. Something that seals it all up just a bit more tightly. Well done.

      Struktcha – I like this one. I agree that it is too busy, esp at/after the 1st drop, and I don’t think it’s so much that there is too much going on, per se, but that the elements feel disparate…I feel like it’s one tune mixing into another around the drop, but what it’s dropping into is pretty great. It might just be that one last drum loop that you lay in before the drop, I dunno. For me, arguably, I think that this mix is sonically the most appealing of all the entries (Freeman’s is also up there). You go wide and tight, sub is big, drums are big but contained. I listened to some of your other stuff on Soundcloud (give me a follow, wouldja?) and there is some pro stuff on there. Keep it up! I would strongly consider going in and culling out whatever it is that we are all kind of commenting on, the busy-ness, and then I think you’ll have a proper strong tune here. Nicely done!

      I’m gonna go with the crowd on this one and tick the box for: FREEMAN, but I think this has been the hardest one to vote for yet, everyone that entered has some strong game.


      _-| get to work |-_

    • #63326

      Oh and I say: if you contributed samples, but didn’t quite have time to create an entry, you should definitely get a vote.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #63603
      ,GENIE HQ

      OK, so firstly happy new year to one and all! Hopefully you have all had a fun and refreshing few weeks.
      With all the progress that’s been noticed here on the forum over the last 12 months it’s looking highly likely 2019 is going to be a very promising year for you guys 😀

      This month’s contest was ridiculously strong, definitely the best yet. Mixdowns are noticeably massive on all the submissions, really pro sounding stuff guys, which is a considerable achievement.

      We haven’t done this yet, and maybe won’t again, but because it’s been literally impossible for us to pick a winner (we all have different fav’s!) we are going to award 1st place to everybody involved this month – so you all get a free month’s membership. Please drop us a line over email and we can sort this out for you. This isn’t a cop out, we genuinely think you all deserve recognition for what you handed in.

      Now, moving on.. as you may know, the next two months will not feature any challenges as such as we’d like you all to focus on demos for the big send out that will be happening in March.
      Now’s the time to get together your best 1/2/3 demo’s for our folder which we’ll be sending out to many of the top labels on your behalf. Given the progress that’s been made we expect this submission window to be pretty exciting. So now’s the time to get working!

      Your best chance of catching peoples attention will be if you have strong musical ideas. Clearly your mixes are very good now and you have the technical understanding, but it’s the SOUND, GROOVE, VIBE that’s going to catch ears. Really push yourselves to write original music, or perhaps an update / twist on an existing style – but our best advice is DO NOT try to faithfully re-create a Break, Mefjus, Noisia, Signal (etc) tune – do your own thing. If it’s sounding too familiar, think again, this is best advice for getting a demo picked up by labels who spend hours and hours listening to what’s out there, it must jump off the page and call for several listens.

      Thanks again for taking part, it’s great to see some new names coming forth from the shadows to submit, it takes some guts to do that, even on the anonymous domain, so well done!

      Have a great month in your labs, we are really excited to hear what’s handed in in 8 weeks time!


      • #63912

        Thanks for the kind words and the free month of membership! I am excited for the big demo send approaching as well. And of course, big ups for everything yall do to keep this place going!!

    • #63636

      Much later than I was expecting to post, had issues with my audio interface, luckily have it sorted now.

      Great to see Genie HQ setting up positive vibes for 2019.

      Glad you guys enjoyed my submission, I enjoyed everyone’s as well. Like Balron said diverse group of tunes, all with their own merit.

      Here’s my feedback sans vote

      Second Encounter – I like the composition, I think if you cleaned up the mix a bit more (to me it sounds a bit closed at the moment) and got the impact of the drop just right, it would help the tune roll more. Overall though the structure is solid, and the elements flow together.

      Skrutcha – Very nice bass arrangement, reminds me of older Drum and Bass in a good way. I like how the bass develops, mixdown sounds good to me. Really solid tune, good rhythm/groove got my head nodding. Maybe incorporate some melodic element?

      Martialystikz – Dig it, I fancy the underwater sounding bass-ish lead, the only thing that I would suggest is more automation to make the repetition more interesting. More motion in that sound would be very interesting. Strong idea. I like the drum groove.

      Sinchrone – I really like the groove on this one, the vocal “hey” sound and fx really keep this one moving, I think the intro could use a tad more energy, more percussion perhaps? I like the break, maybe come up with B drop. Arrangement is good though. Maybe turn the hats down a tad, I like the outro filtered drums into that sound effect. Good stuff!

      Fake – Great as usual man, nice elements and flow. Very meticulous and I like the bass rhythm switch ups. Mixdown sounds good to me. Keep up the good work!

      Shrike – This one grew on me, I like the mixdown. I’m with Harry on that “Uhhhh” it’s a great switch up, I like this tune a lot, the drum fills/bass fills are sick. The atmosphere in the breakdown is cool. Would like to hear it if you develop the tune more, wish it was longer, it rolls.

      Good stuff guys, looking forward to the new year. Hope the turnout for these sessions continues to grow this year.

    • #63919

      Thanks for all the input everyone! For all those interested in the “Hey” sample, I went and looked at what it was, since I couldnt remember at all lol. It is actually just a short clip of one of the Balron risers, with the stock Ableton vocoder adding a slight layer of positive formant shift.

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