Sample Genie Challenge Series, episode 01 March 2020

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    • #127629

      Big up Sample Genie Crew!

      I hope everyone has settled into the new year nicely. So good to see all of the participation in the demo submissions, I am sure there are some real belters in there.

      But now that the demos are in our six, it’s time to get the monthly challenges back on the rails.

      This month is one I’m calling: S-W-I-T-C-H

      The guidelines are fairly basic- create a dnb tune that switches into and out of 1/2 or 2/3 time (and hell, you could try 1/3rd time too). It can start at any tempo and switch at any point, but the idea here is to create something that includes strong drum and bass, but could be a bit of a crossover tune for other genres, whether into or out of.

      Let’s do some quick dnb tempo math!

      I personally make all my dnb at 174bpm, so I am going to use that in this example, but whatever your base dnb tempo is just apply some of this mind-blowing science:

      174*1/2 = 87bpm, so that is on the menu, we’ve all heard it, we know it, pretty simple

      but if you wanted to get a little more tricky with it:

      174*2/3 = 115.884…if you wanted to move into some triplet-laced, 3/4 hybrid, that could be rad too, just a reminder that this tempo variation is perfectly viable

      And if you really wanted to make it drippy: 174*1/4 = 43.5, or 174*1/3 = ~58

      If this math is doing your head in, no worries just go halftime, but in trying to preach the gospel of dnb to all peeps, these other more exotic tempos might hold the key to an effective crossover tune…fuckit, drop some liquid into some tropical house or whatever and wreckit. No genre hate in this one, folks…embrace the differences. But it’s not required to switch genre, only tempo.

      If possible, try and finish out at least an intro, a build, and a drop, especially as this one needs time to sink in, and of course entire tunes are always something to strive for.

      Just put a strong tempo switch in a dnb tune. That’s it, that’s the goal this month.

      Challenge reminders:

      If you intend to participate, please give reply with some sort of positive affirmation. Even if you just *think* you might, I think a public promise might encourage more users to stay the course. (of course no harm if you can’t follow through…we all know life happens). AND, if you don’t happen to reply with a claim to start, but show up with a tune, no worries. I don’t givafuck how we get there, I just want as many of you to participate as possible!


      I would like to give us all the chance to have a mid-month check-in, if we so desire. That can be everyone’s chance to get feedback, get help with issues, etc. I’m definitely down to help in any way I can, and I have the time to help as much as needed.

      Once submissions are in, please listen to the submissions & pick one demo as your favorite, other than your own submission; if you cannot participate but listen to the submissions, add your voice to the discussion. Feedback on final submissions is encouraged as well, but not required. Just remember “Want feedback? Give feedback.”


      I want as many peeps involved as possible, in any way.

      SUBMISSIONS DUE: Saturday March 28, 2020

      VOTES DUE: Before the April samples go live, usually the 2nd of the month.
      Genies and Moderators are exempt from prizes, so be sure to vote for another member.

      SUBMIT: Upload a private track on Soundcloud/Dropbox/G-Drive/Whatever and share the link in this thread. Collaborations are okay.

      PRIZE(?!?): GENIE HQ has final say, and will announce a winner at the conclusion of each month. Typically the winner will get a free month of Sample Genie next month, and possibly some additional feedback from a Sample Genie artist.

      Any questions, just ask. Also, if you have any recommendations or ideas for future challenges, send them our way please!


      _-| get to work |-_

    • #127630

      And I am in…

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #127631

      This sounds like a great experiment. I’m in.

    • #127644
      ,GENIE HQ

      Highly challenging! Will be very interesting to see who pitches in on this one…
      Great concept.

      • #127650

        hey guys definitely going in on this one

    • #127672

      wow metrik modulation how my classical minded mates would call.. it is so interesting. lets go!

      • #127673

        metric lol

    • #130127

      In for gunfinger darkroom techno step.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #130298

      Very cool idea for a challenge, I’m down! Expect some mathcore-esque switchups into ridiculous tempos

      • #130315

        Oho! The mighty Fake returns!

        Better step up yer game, fellas

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #130303

      Wicked challenge, need to pull my finger out and get down. Been a minute since I’ve be active on here

      Nothing of interest here.

    • #130322
      ,GENIE HQ

      gunfinger darkroom techno step.

      If this is not an official Genre, it should be ASAP.

    • #132821

      Eleven days to deadline. I’ve got two sketches I’ve started, ironically I haven’t had much time to work on them, I work in IT field support and the past 10 days have been hectic with my day job, mainly getting people set up so they can work from home.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #134352

      WRST FM exclusive:

      It’s not mixed right, just got to WIP stage really, and the tempo change is just 175 to 87.5 for about 16 bars.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #134522

      Where my dawgs at

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #134874

      hey guys im not sure how to tempo change but here’s my attempt….

      • #139143

        Loving the basses in this man! I’m really looking forward to the samples you get out for this month’s challenge, you work with a lot of hardware right?

      • #140116

        nah actually all my basses are made in serum usually and monologue

    • #136088

      Yeah I keep thinking the deadline is the end of the month – oops!
      Cheers for the vote of confidence Shrike, but the only mighty thing I managed to make this month was a bunch of almighty messes! Turns out Ableton doesn’t like a lot of time signature changes and it made rearranging an absolute pig. I’ve settled on something a lot less ambitious in terms of tempo and signature changes, it did have a 140bpm garage intro too but it started to sound too much like separate tunes glued together. I’ve stuck with just 4/4 174bpm into halftime 13/8 141.4bpm for the outro as it has the same absolute bar length. 13/8 can be a bit of an acquired taste though, it’d be a brave thing to play in a club for sure.

    • #136095

      very good tune fake big ups

    • #136292
      ,just mack

      Fake that tune is FAAATT AF

    • #138171

      whats this months challenge????????????? i like these wish more people would participate

    • #138724

      Yoo! This is such a cool challenge.
      I’m a new member (April), so I was wondering if there’s an April challenge as well?
      Anyways, well done guys. Listened to the submissions in this thread and it sounds fucking amazing. Some really cool and inspiring ideas – can’t wait to hear some more!

      Hope you are all hanging in there in these crazy times!

    • #138790

      whats this months challenge????????????? i like these wish more people would participate

      Yoo! This is such a cool challenge.
      I’m a new member (April), so I was wondering if there’s an April challenge as well?
      Anyways, well done guys. Listened to the submissions in this thread and it sounds fucking amazing. Some really cool and inspiring ideas – can’t wait to hear some more!

      Hope you are all hanging in there in these crazy times!

      Hey guys, first off thanks Joppa for being a regular, and tnnl welcome aboard, let’s get you involved this next challenge.

      Shrike and I both missed having something posted on April 1st, but if we posted something next week, with a late May due date, would you & others be interested?

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #138801

      Ez sg fam

      Yes, sorry, I’ve been a little out of it, partially with some quarantine blues, and I also wasn’t sure what we should do next.

      But I am now.

      We did this last year, and a partial month should be fine to do it again.

      Let’s do another set of sample genie user samples, and I’ll compile and distribute, and for May we will do a user sample pack challenge, where we make tunes with them.


      I’ll make a legit forum post for this soon, but for now start gathering your best samples and vst synth presets, and then we’ll hit it…

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #139142

      Sad we didn’t get more entrants this month! Hope everyone is safe in these crazy times and fingers crossed you’re feeling better Shrike.

      I’d be definitely down for spewing out some samples this month, they’ll probably be a lot more long form this year, I only tend to really make one-shots so it’ll be a nice change.

    • #139345
      ,GENIE HQ

      Looks like Fake has won this little challenge 😀

    • #139353


      _-| get to work |-_

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