Reply To: BLEJ Serum Patches + Halogenix Q&A


Hey there,

Ioved the walk-through and it’s very nice of Mr. Halogenix to share the patch, it’s fun to see what everyone is coming up with !
Here’s my go, I did a few different patches and put my favorite ones in context, about 3 hours went in.

Intro patch – Added some noise with an LFO on it’s level, hooked up all the LFO rates to the maccros and did some MIDI automation, there’s some reverb and a highpass that comes in post

Bass patch – I think I resampled everything to OSC A, tweaked the WT position to find a spot I liked, as well as the LFO, I’ve cut a big part of the mids with an EQ after that.
After 4 bars I’m activating to an even more contrasted sound, pulling the bass and the highs futher appart, done with camelphat (cut the mid presets) and a waveshaper saturating the highs.

Weird patch – based on BLEF 2, mainly changed the LFOs, I wanted it to sound a bit more rythmical, kinda like someone would play a distorted guitar.

Stab – Changed the WT to be a bit more aggressive, as well as the ENV and LFO

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