BLEJ Serum Patches + Halogenix Q&A

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    • #31248
      ,GENIE HQ

      Hey Guys,

      So some of you may have read the post from Halogenix about messing with these patches?
      Well the aim of this little exercise is to see what you can do with them…

      Could be a bit of fun and a good reason to get to know Serum better while making something interesting for a few hours.

      So, using the ‘Blej’ patches included in this months samples pack: Go crazy, make something fresh and new with them, either just a sample, or a loop / tune. Whatever tempo you feel like.
      Doesn’t have to be fully polished, just some interesting design based around that main bass sound from the tune.

      Once you’ve made something, please put a sound cloud link on here for everyone to check out, and if you feel like sharing the patch once you have changed it, that would be cool too..

      *** ALSO drop your questions to Halogenix here, and we’ll get him on to drop you a reply 🙂

      We’ll get him back on here in a couple of weeks to check out your creations 😀
      Just have some fun with it and push your knowledge of Serum…

    • #31361

      Here’s a start. First, just audio:

      Then the patches, wavetables, and FX chains I made from the original Blej Bass patch:

      A couple of the patches have wavetables I made from other experimenting, so go grab those from the OSC’s in the patches. I think in IV, IX and X.

      So what did I do?

      • Open the original patch. Go to Menu in the upper right part of Serum. Near the bottom of this menu are some Render and Resample options, so I made a few wavetables from doing that. Experimented a little to see what might change the results of each, but there wasn’t much.
      • OSC Table Edit (the little pencil in the corner of the OSC wavetable window), messed around with different morph settings, also trying different sort options. Sometimes using Sort on an existing table changes how a patch works in interesting ways. If I like what I hear, I save the table as a new variation.
      • Open the original patch. Change OSC A’s wavetable. All the same modulation behaviors, but sometimes interesting results.
      • Open a different patch. Try the rendered or resampled wavetables from before. I threw in a patch that was a pad done this way.

      Nothing ground breaking, but avenues to find other potential uses, tones, etc.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #31369
      ,Suspect Dnb

      So I saw this last night and was bored so I starting messing with the patch… It was sounding cool so I bounced some drums and put them on half tempo and built a simple bassline. I used two instances of serum one for the famous hi part (changed all within serum itself, I didn’t do that much to it honestly) and for the low part I just turned off the oscilator A and added some distortion. That’s all the mixing I did, I had to stop before getting super into it because I dn’t want to spend two days with it, just wanted to make a quick little thing with different vibes than the original. For the “intro” “pad” it’s just the hi part with some reverb and stuff, and there’s no more FX than that.

      According to FL the lil project took 1h 56min

      Here’s the patch:

    • #31371

      Oops! I didn’t even notice the patches were in the pack, I just played with serum based on the video and came up with this last week. I’ll take a look at the patches and have a go at a loop or something this weekend 🙂

    • #31415

      Hey there,

      Ioved the walk-through and it’s very nice of Mr. Halogenix to share the patch, it’s fun to see what everyone is coming up with !
      Here’s my go, I did a few different patches and put my favorite ones in context, about 3 hours went in.

      Intro patch – Added some noise with an LFO on it’s level, hooked up all the LFO rates to the maccros and did some MIDI automation, there’s some reverb and a highpass that comes in post

      Bass patch – I think I resampled everything to OSC A, tweaked the WT position to find a spot I liked, as well as the LFO, I’ve cut a big part of the mids with an EQ after that.
      After 4 bars I’m activating to an even more contrasted sound, pulling the bass and the highs futher appart, done with camelphat (cut the mid presets) and a waveshaper saturating the highs.

      Weird patch – based on BLEF 2, mainly changed the LFOs, I wanted it to sound a bit more rythmical, kinda like someone would play a distorted guitar.

      Stab – Changed the WT to be a bit more aggressive, as well as the ENV and LFO

    • #32825

      The patch is not working for me…it does not load 🙁

    • #32826

      The patch is not working for me…it does not load

      Which specific patch, the original ones? Which OS are you on, and what version of Serum do you have? OS will determine where you should place the preset, version of Serum relates to patches loading.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #32857


      Thank you for the patches! Here is a small section of something Im working on. Its still WIP so I am reluctant to share. SOOO much more to do….


      I hope you enjoy my edits to the patch. You will probably notice the use of some of the drum samples in this months pack to.

      • #32949


        Thank you for the patches! Here is a small section of something Im working on. Its still WIP so I am reluctant to share. SOOO much more to do….


        I hope you enjoy my edits to the patch. You will probably notice the use of some of the drum samples in this months pack to.


        Hi Im Dave.
        Im new around here.

        I joined up with the goal of taking the samples and patches provided and make a new track (minimally) each month out of them. Here is the first attempt at that. I used my edited Blej Serum patch and drums from this months pack to create the track above.

        I am still working on the arrangement in parts but feel as though I am close to bouncing everything and properly mixing down. Any feedback would be wonderful but mostly I just wanted to share what I made.

        THANK YOU!

      • #32950

        Sorry everyone. I am trying to embed a soundcloud player and having difficulty.

        Here is a direct link to the track: First Snow – Discode

        For the record how do you embed a soundcloud player?

      • #32955

        You just need to post the link, no BBCode around it, automatically posts the SC player.

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #32866

      Question for Halogenix when he comes through the thread:

      Any particular production techniques or ideas you are exploring right now, that you would be willing to share or shed some light on?

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

      • #32979

        Hi all,

        First off massive thanks to all of you messing with the Blej patch. Great to see what you’re all doing with it! Sounding ace!

        I’ll try and get back to all the questions as they pop up.

        First off, Harry.

        I’m not really a technique guy. I tend to just mess around until something starts to sound good. A solid base idea is essential to building a track IMO. I’m having a lot of fun at the moment with really sub heavy basslines and very odd dischordant leads/stabs to cut through. Rubbish for listening on your laptop but sounds great in the club.

        Actually, going back… i have recently changed the way i process my drums, my next tutorial i think i’ll go in depth into this but i used to just ply my drum buss with all kinds of shit to make it sounds big but would often find that i mixed myself into a hole which was very hard to get out of. I’ve recently started messing with creating a basic loop with some compression/limiting on the group to get a vibe then i’ll take all that off, rebalance everything so it sounds ‘level’ with no processing then add some real subtle compression using Cytomic’s ‘The Glue’ to get a nice 4-6 dB reduction (no make up) then whack a pro-l on there and see how far i can push it before it starts to break up. all my recent stuff (none of which is out yet) has adopted that technique and i’m really happy with the results. Less is more basically!

    • #32879
      ,GENIE HQ

      Our question would be:

      How do you see the place of dissonance within music? How can you articulate you view of tuning being correct or incorrect in a musical sense? And do you have any tips for making dissonance sound good?

      • #32980

        Tough Q to be honest. I have a very modest training in music dating back to when i was kid so i guess you could say my ear is quite tuned to melody/harmony which makes it hard to articulate the thought process associated with wether i deem something to be in tune or not. If you have a musical mind then you’ll know what i’m talking about. If not, i’d say go and do some music theory basics (chords etc) and learn what notes sit with others. You can then have some real fun playing with the rules and breaking them. Disonnance in my view sounds cool when it’s used as a focal point of a track. I.e. a riff or a very forward in the mix SFX. otherwise it contributes to the bed of the track and it’s hard to lay dissonance on dissonance without it sounds like some GCSE sound design piece.

    • #32885
      ,Mind Zero

      I’ve got a lot of questions, as Ivy Lab are my favourite producers and I love also Halogenix’s solo productions, so:

      · How do you make that kind of organic sounds as, for example, the synth in the Glimpse remix?

      · What rules do you have when it comes to put sounds out of the beat, like you do with all the
      20/20 stuff?

      · How do you avoid getting something sounding weak and dead when it’s being played in mono?

      · This is not a question, and I don’t know if it’s ok to do this, but I would love to have some
      feedback from you on this tune. It’s a halftime remix I did months ago, very inspired by all the 20/20 sounds so it would be great to know what do you think:

      That’s all for now, thank you so much!!

      • #32981

        Gonna assume you mean the bassline in the Glimpse remix, to be honest it’s just a patch in Trillain. Moog bass or something like that. Trillian’s great for bass classics as it has really faithful samples of a lot of old classic synths.

        no rules per-se, just what sounds good. groove can’t be assigned a formula unforunately which makes it hard to get right unless you have what you want it to sound like in your head first. Go and listen to loads of Dilla and Madlib and you’ll get some inspiration if you haven’t already! 🙂

        can’t really answer that question unfortunately as i’m not that technically inclined. the only time i really treat stereo feilds is when i mono the bass on the master and when something is so obviously out of phase or too wide, then i’ll just flip the phase or reign the mids in slightly so it doesn’t sound fucked. I use mono-ing of the subs on the master channel as a failsafe because i really have no idea what i’m doing when it comes to that stuff lol.

        Great ideas in the track, could do with rolling a bit more perhaps, the groove stops and starts qutie a bit which throws me off. cool sounds too.

      • #33030
        ,Mind Zero

        Thanks for answering!!! I really appreciate your sincerity
        About the Glimpse remix, I was referring to the sound starting at 1:09.
        Hope I’m not being annoying, but I’m currently working on and liquid drum and bass kind of track and your feedback would be so helpful to give it the final touches.

        Thank you so much!!

      • #40053

        sounds tight man

    • #33036

      I’m not really a technique guy. I tend to just mess around until something starts to sound good. A solid base idea is essential to building a track IMO. I’m having a lot of fun at the moment with really sub heavy basslines and very odd dischordant leads/stabs to cut through. Rubbish for listening on your laptop but sounds great in the club.

      Thanks for sharing about the drum technique. In the past two months I just started doing something similar, as part of trying to use one-shots a bit more and creating my own breaks. And I can relate to the messing around until something starts to sound good, I’m trying to find the personal balance of techniques vs. feeling.

      I’m looking forward to the new music and next video!

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #33089

      Hello Mr. Halogenix, a late and rather boring question, but I’ve been obsessed with it recently: How did you make that stabby bassline in “Old Town” with Monty ?

      It’s chunky and subby but still has just enough mid harmonics to cut through the mix and let the main synth pluck do it’s thing.

    • #37800

      Hey there

      Is there any way to get the Original patches? I just missed this and want to have fun with the original patches.

      • #37809
        ,GENIE HQ

        Sure, we’ll get them uploaded soon and post a link back here for you..

      • #37847

        Cheers, looking forward to making some crazy stuff with this

      • #37856

        I can’t upload the patches at the moment, from my video analysis post (, here are screen shots for the original patch:

        The idea in posting originally was in case anyone might want to try replicating the patch in a different synth. I tend to do this a bit, to see what kind of results I come up with. Usually different from the original patch, but often something usable.

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

      • #38147
        ,GENIE HQ

        HERE YOU GO

        Password: rubthelamp

        Have fun 😀

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