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    • #119831
      ,GENIE HQ


      So here we are… another year has passed and we’re ready to properly have a look at what you’ve all been up to!

      The last batch of demos we had sent in in 2019 demonstrated a significant leap forwards in every regard: production quality, creativity, coherence – it really was very inspiring.
      A few weeks ago Hybris dropped by for an impromptu demo listening session. Not only was he taken back by the overall standards but he even snapped up some tracks for his label! That listening session with Hybris certainly bought up the anticipation levels for this latest demo send in…

      So. What are we looking for? What is the plan?

      In previous submission periods we have had no formal limit to the final batch.
      This year we are imposing a restriction.
      The final folder will have 10 tracks. In the event we really are blown away by more than this it might increase to 15, but this is very much TBC.
      So, we have tightened the competition significantly….

      We’ll be sending the final 10 to a selection of key people, along with our recommendation. We realise listening to demo music takes up time so we want to streamline the process and make sure they are not bogged down with big long lists of tunes.
      A decision has been made to stay flexible and wait to see what comes in. We will keep an open mind in terms of which labels music might be suited to. If we get sent in some decent liquid we have contacts in mind for that too.
      But we can already say we’ll definitely be sending music to the following places:

      Critical Music
      Dispatch / Metalheadz
      Ed Rush
      Noisia / Vision
      René LaVice @ BBC Radio One

      After a period of time to allow labels to check them out, we’ll then also forward the tracks to each and every artist & DJ we have ever worked with on Sample Genie.


      – A maximum of two tunes from each artist.
      – Drum & Bass only
      – Full length tracks arranged and mixed to the best of your ability
      – Unsigned material only please.
      – Send by private DOWNLOADABLE link (soundcloud preferred) to [email protected]
      – Email subject title: YOUR ARTIST NAME + DEMO SUBMISION 2020.
      – Closing date for Submissions: 00:01 GMT 15th February 2020. Submissions after this time will not get listened to.

      We please ask for your patience too, this process can take time in order to give busy people a chance to listen to the tunes.
      If or when we hear any nice things about your music we’ll be sure to get in touch with you individually and right away.

      So, there we have it. We cannot wait to hear what you come forward with!

      The challenge is set. The opportunity is presented.

      Question is: whatcha gonna do? 😀

    • #119881

      wicked, got a couple of tunes I’d like to send, the only thing is I’m waiting to potentially hear back from one of the labels on the list.

      Would that be a problem do you think?


    • #119960
      ,GENIE HQ

      wicked, got a couple of tunes I’d like to send, the only thing is I’m waiting to potentially hear back from one of the labels on the list.

      Would that be a problem do you think?


      That’s a great point… Yes, if music has already been heard by any of the labels and turned down, it would be a good to leave a note in the email when you send it in so we know.

      If it’s not been listened to, or you’ve not heard back from them, still leave a quick note to say where it’s already been sent to.

      Thanks 😀

    • #119972

      i got to get to work lol

    • #120016
      ,GENIE HQ

      i got to get to work lol

      Still plenty of time to go!

    • #120187

      Today i could send a track? Where I could send this??


    • #120195
      ,GENIE HQ

      Today i could send a track? Where I could send this??


      Please do!
      Please read the information above, details of where to send are in there 🙂

    • #120352

      Hi Genies,

      Iv’e been a total donkey and I uploaded WAVs (out of habit) instead of mp3s to the private downloadable soundcloud link. Should I re-upload and resend you an email with a new link in, or if you happen to like the tunes I can send you the mp3s? Sorry.



    • #120444

      awesome ! Good luck to everyone sending

    • #120539
      ,GENIE HQ

      Hi Genies,

      Iv’e been a total donkey and I uploaded WAVs (out of habit) instead of mp3s to the private downloadable soundcloud link. Should I re-upload and resend you an email with a new link in, or if you happen to like the tunes I can send you the mp3s? Sorry.



      Hi there, yes please!
      Send in Mp3 320… thank you.

      • #120619

        Cool, will do. Thank you.

    • #121344
      ,just mack

      submitting my tracks today, thanks SG <3

    • #121374
      ,GENIE HQ

      Some wonderful demo’s in already guys..
      Keep them coming!

    • #121505

      Yesterday I sent a track! 🙂

    • #124174

      Excited for this, I’ll definitely be sending something in next week (before the 14th)

    • #124421

      got a few in the works just getting final touches down

    • #124478

      Awesome. I’ll try smooth out my technique before I’m ready. Just have a few rough edges to work out then I’ll hopefully be in time for this. Appreciate the opportunity, Sample Genie team. I’ve bought almost very video in the vault to extract as much knowledge as possible!

    • #125308
      ,GENIE HQ

      Still some days left to get your demo’s in!!
      What’s to lose?……

    • #125764

      I appreciated seeing this competition in my email, it pushed me to get two tracks finished and send them in before the deadline. I doubt I would have finished them otherwise so thank you for the encouragement. It’s been about a year since I finished a track so to finish two just now felt pretty good.

      • #125773

        hell yeah, that’s rad, nice job!

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #125824

      Greetings from NZ! Fairly new to sample genie. How often do you have a Demo Submission window? Cheers, Cam.

    • #125893
      ,GENIE HQ

      A slew of great demos in over the last 48 hours 😀
      Keep them coming!

    • #125901

      Mine is almost ready 😀 thank you for this wonderful opportunity Sample Genie. You guys are blessed x

    • #125912
      ,GENIE HQ

      Greetings from NZ! Fairly new to sample genie. How often do you have a Demo Submission window? Cheers, Cam.

      Once a year at the moment…

    • #125928

      Just sent in two…I never feel like my tracks are finished so this was a good push to just do it.
      I hope I can find some support soon so I can keep doing this!!!

    • #125930

      Yup, almost done with mine.

      No minute like the last minute!

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #125957


      Kind regards and awesome opportunity!

    • #125962

      just sent ~ thanks for this amazing opportunity!

    • #125975

      Just finished and sent one in. I enabled download for soundcloud and sent the link to the track, I hope it’s done right. Thanks once again 🙂

    • #126113

      My email got bounced back for attaching the mp3, so I created and emailed a SC link. Submitted.

      Thanks again, Genie

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #126209
      ,GENIE HQ

      Down to the last 2 hours to submit! Who’s playing their hand last ?

    • #126217

      not going to make it this year

      • #126220
        ,GENIE HQ

        No problem… Just keep writing the tunes 🙂

    • #126225
      ,GENIE HQ

      And that’s a wrap.

      Massive well done to everybody who sent music in.

      We can promise all of your submissions will be carefully listened to by 3 people, each tune will get played a couple of times and always the whole track from the beginning.

      We’ll make our decisions and compile the final list… as soon as that’s done we’ll post the names who made the final cut on here 😀

      Well done again to all, just by finishing a full length tune and mixing it to a decent standard you have already achieved more than many will only dream of. You have got things done. More of this.

      Updates soon…

    • #126520

      No problem… Just keep writing the tunes ?

      yup will do im thinking this year im going to start an NYC label

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