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    • #130627
      ,GENIE HQ

      Greetings to one and all!

      We’ve been through all of the music we got sent in the last submission window with a fine toothed comb.
      We received just shy of 90 demo’s in total, all of which finished to either a very high or incredibly high standard. Dear lord there are some heinous talents both present and lurking on this forum!
      We’ve been genuinely blown away by the quality of the music that’s been received and in the whole it’s been highly diverse: Neuro and Liquid alike have been absolutely nailed in the most beautiful way.
      We can’t say WELL DONE enough to you ALL for taking part.

      Getting the final list of tracks down to 10 has been impossible (literally), so we have whittled it down as slim as was humanly possible, with the final head count being 12.
      We’ve already had the all clear from: Kasra, Noisia, Rene LaVice, Ed Rush & DIVIDID to receive the tracks ASAP, so a folder will be winging its way to their ears today. Currently just waiting on the go ahead from some others… shouldn’t be long.

      THE FINAL 12 [A-Z]

      Just Mack

      Under previous rules the folder would have been bigger, and picking this list of just 12 was agony, so we’d like to give a special mention to the following artists’ who sent in wonderful music.

      Alien Exposure
      Counter Culture
      Faun Dation
      Future Shock

      So rest assured, we’ll be working hard behind the scenes to get the folder of tunes heard by as many key people as we can.
      We’ll be in touch should any of the tracks receive interest, plays or offers, and will link the artist up with the enquirer accordingly, should that happen.

      We’re unable to offer individual feedback, but being honest there is not much to say, the submissions were incredibly good!
      One thing that did jump out on a couple of the tracks was that they have amazing mixes, really strong engineering, but everything was said in the first 32 bars of the drop and the tune didn’t take the listener anywhere after that point. Also a few tracks that also had superb mixes, clean loud etc, but sounded a little too much like tacks that already exist, or they lacked an identity. This is the only criticism possible to leave.

      But in summary, this year’s effort has been pretty remarkable and we’d like to thank you ALL for taking part and for writing the music.

      Keep. It. Up.

      The thought of the next submission window, and what that will hold is too much!

      Big respect,


    • #130649

      Great work everyone! Hope to see some of those names on some labels’ release schedules.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #130674

      Thanks for your effort guys, really appreciating it! Keeps me motivated and hyped for my next studio sessions. Sample Genie all the way!

    • #130691

      o. my. god.

    • #130723

      Nice work guys!! Good to see such talent on the forum!

      Nothing of interest here.

    • #130798
      ,just mack

      Wow I can’t believe I made it into the final 12, thanks SG for giving me the chance to do something like this. <3

    • #130842

      nice one guys, very humbled to see my name (Evasion) in the final 12, I’ve had a little break waiting to hear back and this has got me inspired to get cracking again… let’s hope something good comes of the tunes sent out for everyone!

    • #130976

      Congratulations to the final 12, I hope it’s the first big step for you guys to start living the dream šŸ™‚

    • #131934

      Thnx guys of Sample Genie! I’m glad you liked my track ?

    • #131941

      Congrats to all involved, esp those getting some extra love for your efforts.

      SG Massive comin’ thru!

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #132116

      Thank you SG team, sometimes you just need a sign you are on the right track, and this is it. Iā€™m very greatful ?

    • #137912
      ,GENIE HQ

      We can’t give any specific details yet as it’s all just whispers at the this stage…
      but one of the demo’s that came through the submission send in and has been passed around a few places too and has some interest from Black Sun Empire šŸ˜€
      The artist who shall remain anonymous (until they are ready and until there is any news) is clearly a massive talent – we are very excited to follow this story..
      Hopefully some news in the coming future!

    • #137928

      this is dope, are submissions always accepted or this was the only chance?

    • #137950

      this is dope, are submissions always accepted or this was the only chance?

      Lately it seems to be twice a year.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #148068
      ,GENIE HQ

      Some other good news from this send-in and a bit of a surprise….

      We had a few awesome liquid tracks sent in and we passed on some music from a particular artist in the demo folder to Liquicity along with a recommendation – they got back about it and have expressed an interest in the artist…
      Although they have not signed the particular tracks we sent them, they have said they would like the artist to pitch more music to them directly and asked us to pass on their label managers personal email address to him šŸ˜€

      Hopefully soon we can say more about this… But already a welcome and unexpected outcome none the less!
      You know who you are and well done!

    • #148092

      Im new here. How does one go about submitting these demos?

    • #148123
      ,GENIE HQ

      Im new here. How does one go about submitting these demos?

      Hey, we open a submission window for people to send music, usually a couple of times a year. We’re aiming for another one at the end of the Summer šŸ™‚

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