2nd track feedback

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    • #192146

      Hi SGs!

      Another one in the making, some mixdown assistance would be greatly appreciated as I think thats the next stage here. how is the sub? Damn its hard to nail it in comparison to the rest of the tune, dont like mixing on cans but neighbours 😛


    • #192288
      ,GENIE HQ

      Another awesome vibe

      Bass is cool and very distinct – perhaps overall a mid too loud compared to beats? Might play havoc with club limiter.
      Working carefully on a spectrum analyser on this tune and getting everything hitting the right numbers will be a good move.

      Has potential to get this tune loud and sounding very big, but also balanced.

      Beats sound slightly under processed and basic. Another 10% of polish and craft on them, being louder against the bass will help with that too.

      Great work, tons of potential here..

    • #192477

      Nice overall drive ?

    • #194187

      Really cool vibes here. kinda reminds me of old hybris. I like the contrast in the intro of light pads and heavy bass’. Id say maybe a lead or hook sound after first 8bar to keep things moving along Maybe even have a vocal on the intro as wel as the 2nd Build. The groove is really sick and good sound design for your bass lines. I felt I wasnt getting enough sub to really sit nicely under those mids. maybe try a 2nd copy of your bass and pull back settings till you get a rather subby tone. The copy so all the movements will go together. A Sine wave also would do the same just more stagnant. Alot of cool sound design through out the track and maybe toss on a few more 1 shots/transitionals here and there to Keep things fresh through the whole tune. Really sick work!

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