Can’t access videos

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    • #188805
      ,Gary Nicolson

      So `I bought got premium membership today and gained access to the video vault, only to be disappointed that I need to pay for each tutorial? Is this really how this works or have I missed something? I was able to download samples which there wasn’t much of, nothing usable (only 4 kicks?) thats a lot for £12 per month! I my as well buy a full sample pack for that price. My real concern is not having access to the videos?

    • #188812

      Think you can just stream them and only pay if you want to download

    • #188881
      ,GENIE HQ

      So `I bought got premium membership today and gained access to the video vault, only to be disappointed that I need to pay for each tutorial? Is this really how this works or have I missed something? I was able to download samples which there wasn’t much of, nothing usable (only 4 kicks?) thats a lot for £12 per month! I my as well buy a full sample pack for that price. My real concern is not having access to the videos?

      Hey Gary,

      Firstly welcome to SG 🙂

      The first thing to clarify any confusion over would be the membership itself. Subscribers are paying for membership access per month, as well as the sample pack this provides the latest tutorial, plus the one from the previous month included for free.
      Videos from before you joined can be purchased on an a la cart basis for a low price from the vault. A brand new video is added each month moving forwards which you are able to stream.

      We took a poll of our premium members last year, and there was a resounding consensus that we should keep the system as it is – which is what we have done.

      With regard the Sample Pack(s). This month there are 61 samples in there. All really useable and strong material – Levela, Monty and Skantia have done a great job on it.
      We don’t put out many kicks each month these days, as we prefer to focus on other content that has the potential to be resampled.
      If after your assessment of the pack, you conclude there is nothing useable in there for you, then we might have to suggest Sample Genie is not right for you personally.
      If this is the case then please email us at [email protected] and your soonest convenience and we will give you a full refund right away and close your membership for you.

      All the best

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