Deep liquid roller

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    • #93574

      Ez guys,

      I have a track here for feedback, a deep liquid roller, trying to be uplifting but stay deep and not cheesy.

      I think itโ€™s ready for a submission to a label, what you guys think ? If so which label do you think may best fit, I was thinking Fokuz ?



    • #93782
      ,GENIE HQ

      This is sounding really nice!
      The James Brown vocal snips are maybe a little jarring / out of place for this kind of tune?
      They could be replaced with a stab or FX that’s a little more musical perhaps?

      This could suit Fokus, maybe even appealing to the more mellow side of ProgRAM..

      Nice work!

      • #93968

        Hi Genie.

        Thank you for the feedback and the listen I really appreciate it!

        I did sen on to Fokuz but no luck, fair play to them they got back to me with an answer of no rather than leaving me hanging which I appreciate on their behalf!

        I will take on your advice after listening back a week late I do agree the sample is a little out there and I will defiantly replace the sample is in the drums obviously ๐Ÿ™‚

        I would love to get on to ProGRAM and will submit if I can find their address.

        Again thank you for the feedback

    • #96805

      Updated tune.

      Looking for feedback ?

    • #96892

      Hi there,
      my thoughts:
      – really good vibe:)
      – maybe put some reverb/delay on the intro-hat;
      – maybe add some subtle clap or noise-layer to the snare to fill the highs more;
      – the shuffle-hat feels like its laying on top of the mix… maybe lower the volume a bit or use an high-pass to make it gel more;
      song in general:
      – i’m missing a hook, something catchy that makes the song stand out. The female vocal you’re using could be this hook imo, when its mixed more upfront (brighter and louder) and when the arrangement of the track is designed around it.
      Hope this is the kind of feedback you are looking for,

      • #96910

        That was exactly the feedback I was looking for!

        Wicked mate thankyou I will get to work

    • #97415

      Hi Greeno, nice one!
      I really like the vibe, the vocal samples are on point.
      The mixdown is good bu t I think you can make it better.

      The intro lacks something, maybe some fx as boi said, the drum is nice but could be crispier, it’s a little bit “dull” perhaps? Not talking about the Hi-hats and Overhead.
      I noticed some key changes with the bassline, am I wrong? I don’t know, it’s a little bit confusing, but it could work.
      The Atmos in general could be more present in the mix.
      Hope you’ll find some useful advice! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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