Downloadable Videos

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    • #18188

      Why is it that if for the months we’re subscribed we have access to the video only via the online player however if we buy a video that we don’t have from the vault its available for download.

      I’d quite like to have the stuff that I was a full member for available on my HD aswell.

    • #18189
      ,GENIE HQ

      Hi Bennett,

      Thanks for getting in touch.

      The subscription to the site alone is for access to the stream of material, in some ways like a rental would be through Love Film, or even how video shops such as Blockbuster would work.
      The subscription to the site gives you access to the ‘rentals’ you have, but, like video shops you can also buy old releases to keep if there is anything specific you want – this is what the vault section is for.

      So in summary the subscription itself grants access to the stream of content we put on this site, this includes monthly stream-able videos and also sample packs (which are downloaded).

      We hope this clarifies how the subscription works.
      Any more questions, just get in touch

    • #19054

      im curious,
      if it were a subscription similar to how shops like blockbuster work, or any other “rental” service, why is it that members are only allowed to stream content relevant to the months of their membership?
      i have purchased multiple videos for download.
      i understand the concept of us paying to own that content outside of the stream.
      i dont understand why as a subscriber i cannot stream any video from any season at will. I dont feel like a subscriber at that point. i feel like a guest who hasnt paid for a full subscription when im not allowed FULL access to the site that i am FULLY subscribed to.

      thank you for the wonderful content of the site!

      • #19055
        ,GENIE HQ

        OK – we try to keep this kind of chat off the forum, but here you go 🙂

        To explain as briefly as possible – Imagine you had been using our site since the beginning…
        Many of our members have been with us for a long time, collecting the videos to their accounts.
        Now if a couple years down the line someone joins up and pays for one month granting them access to all of the videos we have made for the price of one month’s membership – you would feel slightly upset I’m sure. So in the interests of making things fair and respecting our loyal members, this would not be possible.
        However the bonus is when you sign up, you get the current months video + the previous months, so on this occasion you get two for the price of one.,

        The parallel to film rental, is that while you are signed up your ‘rental’ is alive on all videos you have previously streamed.
        Material from outside this time can be brought from the vault for a couple of pounds.
        (half price to the initial release)

        Hope this explains the format, any more questions always best to email
        [email protected]

      • #19061

        Thank you for taking a moment to respond so thoroughly!
        My post/comment/question was bearing in mind previous users.
        There are other sites that I have been a member of (2 actually, i’d happily share them privately, as I’m not here to advertise for others) for years that are content/subscription based and tiered in a “free vs paid” service for their tutorial content. Fortunately I do not need to imagine being an older (paid) customer and how I would feel about a new (paid) customer getting access to the same material as I am in that position on those sites.
        I do not harbor a grudge against new users on those sites, but I do feel it is unfair to assume your customers would here.
        In the coming months/years that I will continue to enjoy the content with my subscription within this site I will in fact pity the new users for their feeling of “missing out” on a subject like this without the extra dollar signs to “hang out with the cool kids”, if you will.
        I understand your viewpoint on this, even though I may disagree.
        Your subscription has value, I see that fully, and appreciate the ability to purchase the past videos rather than have them be scrubbed from the site each month. I see this site as a wonderful breath of air for tutorials, and the sample pack is a nice “cherry on top”.


      • #19062
        ,GENIE HQ

        Hi Brandon,

        Please do share the other sites it’s always interesting to see what’s going on elsewhere.

        If you have been with us since the start, then you will be able to see all of the videos in ‘your videos’ section, as they do not get ‘scrubbed’ from the site, they remain in on your videos page. Looking at your account we can see you joined on 9th September this year, so you should be seeing 3 videos in your video page.

        But we have to outline the point again which is that for a person to sin up and gain access to every tutorial we have put out on Sample Genie (over 40) for the price of one months membership would not be fair to people who have collected month on month.

        Thanks again for your input and please do send links to any other sites.

        Kind regards


      • #19068

        The other sites would be Mr bill, and Tom Cosm. they are prolific enough in their subscribed tutorial sites and production work that I do not need to link them.

        I understand how many videos I can see according to your system, none of this is lost on me. I don’t understand why you feel that is a relevant issue at this point. I’m familiar with how the site works. I enjoy it.

        The “point” you are trying to outline, again, is a viewpoint. Not a point of fact. you have asked me to imagine a scenario I already live on other sites while I may be new to this one.

        The truth is, since you bring up the stream vs dl, and what i have access to personally: any of the videos on my “video page” are only stream-able.
        So, as a paying user, I actually have to pay you twice if i want to own one of these videos.

        Once for the subscription, and once again for a download. I recognize increasing a profit on a product wherever one can, I worked in marketing for about 9 years.

        So really, I feel bad for subscribers that have been here from the start having to pay for their subscription the whole time, while i can just pay a couple dollars and own the same videos that they are only allowed to stream unless they pay you even more.
        ergo, there are 2 subjects at play.
        1) a “pay to play” system for new subscribers to be able to obtain any older knowledge from before the time,
        2) old subscribers must pay you again for content they have already paid for if they want to keep it on their hard drive, so that various internet speed/availability issues dont hamper their use of your site.

        Once more, on the subject of your viewpoint on “fair”….

        I have been a member of Tom Cosms website for 6 years. Whenever a new subscriber joins the site, I do not develop animosity towards them for being able to learn what I have also learned. I don’t even think about them, because they aren’t putting money in my wallet.
        Mr Bill’s website I have been on for 4 years. I do not harbor any resentment when a new user pays for his service, and is allowed access to the same knowledge.
        Both of these sites are profound wells of information, and their subscription support has transformed the tutorial world overall.

        In the example of my time-frame on your site, since you felt the need to bring it up:
        I don’t even think about users who signed up today, let alone think I should have access to subscribed content from September and they shouldn’t because they just got here today in November. when I come to your site, I come for tutorials, not because I think I’m superior to the person who signed up after me.

        I feel your viewpoint of old subscriber vs new subscriber is true, but only for the admins of your site, as you are the ones receiving the revenue. You are the ones that own all the content. We just rent it, remember?

        When I was a member of Blockbuster (to use your example again) I never once thought that someone who signed up 3 years after me shouldn’t be able to watch the same movies I did 3 years ago because I had been a member longer. We were all just renting movies since we were paid members.

        Thank you for your response.

    • #19092
      ,GENIE HQ

      Hi Brandon, Happy to explain further on your points

      So really, I feel bad for subscribers that have been here from the start having to pay for their subscription the whole time, while i can just pay a couple dollars and own the same videos that they are only allowed to stream unless they pay you even more.

      The advantage to remaining subscribed is that users get to check out the latest tutorials without having to wait for them to enter the vault for download. For example, videos from this season, of which there are five, are not yet available for download, they are stream only.
      So under your example people just joining today wouldn’t be able to get these yet, even from the vault and as such keeping things special for monthly subscribers, so as they have 4 months’ worth of videos available only to them, there is no need to feel bad for them, as we appreciate and reward their loyalty with this system

      ergo, there are 2 subjects at play.

      1) a “pay to play” system for new subscribers to be able to obtain any older knowledge from before the time,

      Yes we offer downloads of older material for this purpose

      2) old subscribers must pay you again for content they have already paid for if they want to keep it on their hard drive, so that various internet speed/availability issues dont hamper
      their use of your site.

      Just to clarify what people are paying for each month – this is to maintain access to the stream of content, this is the product, which includes monthly videos months before they are available for download and sample packs. Like with blockbuster you don’t get to keep a rental just because you have seen it, it’s the same with our membership. Cancelling your subscription essentially ends your rentals on all videos. Internet speeds are the best they have been in history, and while we have been using the Vimeo servers we have not one single report of speeds being an issue. But yes to take the content off the site a small fee is charged.

      In the example of my time-frame on your site, since you felt the need to bring it up:
      I don’t even think about users who signed up today, let alone think I should have access to subscribed content from September and they shouldn’t because they just got here today in November. when I come to your site, I come for tutorials, not because I think I’m superior to the person who signed up after me.

      This was brought it up in answer to your question here to make sure you could see the three videos available to you and things are working correctly your end.
      With regards superiority, this is not a factor in this, it’s just how the subscription runs.

      When I was a member of Blockbuster (to use your example again) I never once thought that someone who signed up 3 years after me shouldn’t be able to watch the same movies I did 3 years ago because I had been a member longer. We were all just renting movies since we were paid members.

      And we agree, that’s why the vault exists. Our system is similar but not identical to Blockbuster. The analogue to their rental is our monthly stream. If you want to keep renting all your videos you can – by remaining a member. With us, like blockbuster, latest releases are only available as rentals (streaming in our case) only older releases can be purchased to keep (our vault section). If you cancel a membership to Blockbuster you can’t go back and take out previous rentals again.
      On Netflix there is a changing stream of videos available. Some things get taken off and replaced with new ones. If you saw a film that was on there several months ago, but it’s gone today. It doesn’t mean you should be entitled to get it back because you saw it once before. This is an example of how other sites provide a subscription to a stream of content rather than selling permanent ownership of specific things you have seen.
      In another example, if you rented one film from Blockbuster / Lovefilm this would not entitle you to watch a copy of every film they have ever released and this is the same with us.

      The other sites you mentioned are superb for sure, and they have their own way of doing things, but due to the quality and quantity of high profile artists we work with we have a different system.

      We hope this clears things up.


    • #19093

      thank you for confirming my points

    • #19101
      ,GENIE HQ

      you are welcome, although we were actually confirming ours.

    • #19120


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