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    • #132905

      I have been lurking for years… had an EP ready for submission and woke up to broken hard drives, all aplicable lessons learned. Still needed time to recover mentally and emotionally from the investment lost. Hopefully this is good. Getting ready for mixdown after posting WIP. Pretty happy this only took me 3 days to do.

    • #136377

      Not an april fools, looking for feedback before going into mixdown. Have another concept in the works, nice to be working in the studio again. Guess corona will free up time for many of us?

    • #136394
      ,GENIE HQ

      Hey, massive condolences on the loss of all material. Really horrible stuff.
      Did you take them to a recovery company?

      This tune has a different flavour about it for sure. The texture is crunchy and sounds well processed.
      It has an unusual feel to the tune too, some interesting samples and layers.

      Just some thoughts:

      – Are the beats enough? Do they hit in the way you want them to? Do they sound like sweat and tears and have gone into their craft?

      – Sounds like some top end wash and air is missing from the beats. not something EQ can solve… another layer perhaps?

      – Are all the sounds working together? The screaming style sound is quite distinct but is it clashing with the background string samples? Are they both telling different stories, only at the same time?

      Don’t be in a rush to finish tracks… be happy to sit on them awhile and be sure they are saying what you want them to say.


    • #136581

      Thank you. I was quoted 600USD to look at the drives. It was raid 0. Nobody will gurantee the work or even seems confident, so its a loss I have to accept.

      Certainly not in a rush. Moreso pleased I was able to draft this so efficiently. Plan on loading the project today and listen with fresh ears.

      I made the strings using Session Strings and the screaming noise is a patch I made in Massive with some processing via Driver. Ill listen out for any unwanted dissonance. New environment im getting used to and once corona is over ill be moving yet again!

      Thanks again for the feedback.

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