First track feedback please

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    • #170497

      Hi all,

      Could I have some feedback on this one please. I think the snare and hat need a little less top end. Be brutal I won’t be offended. Cheers.

      Better Dayz

    • #171058
      ,GENIE HQ

      This has a nice feeling from the off, the musicality is nice to hear combined with some more techy sounds.

      The mix isn’t by any means bad, but could do with quite a lot of work to bring it up to standard:

      Some thoughts:

      – Needs to sound fuller throughout the spectrum. More full and even. Less dynamic range in (more compression/ limiting / clipping) will help with this to make it all sound more ‘together’ and exciting, sonically.

      – more complex / detailed drum fills to accentuate the bass turn-arounds

      – Second drop might be a bit too start / stop. Roll it out more?

      – Piano and musical elements have too much dynamics, they could be used to fill out the gaps in the spectrum more

      Overall, LOTS of potential in this tune and your music in general. Keep it up 😀

    • #171062


      Thanks for the feedback and kind words.

      The mix is deliberately dynamic but there is a very good chance I’ve overcooked that ethos?

      In Regards to the second drop comment do you mean making the section longer or changing the drum pattern?

      If I make some changes would you be able to review again?

      Many thanks

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