Hello, Im looking for some track feedback.

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  • Author
    • #76338
      ,Marco Luna

      Hows it going everybody,

      Ive been djing for some time but new to producing. this is the first thing ive finished. im looking for some constructive crisisism on it. Im okay with it for a start, but I know it needs loads of work. anything that will help me learn.

      thanks in advance


    • #76339
      ,Marco Luna
    • #76383

      This has some superb groove. The mix is solid for the vibe you’re going for. I don’t think the pads or piano or any of the musical melodic elements need to be brighter or anything. It’s got a nice lo-fi vibe and is just super pleasant.

      Only two pieces of feedback from me.

      After 2:16, perhaps add another melodic note in at the end of the bar to further the interest of the piano. Maybe just a high resonating note or something to create interest.

      Second drop: Add a light pad just to create body and fill in the space that you created with the paired down arrangement. It’s a nice creative choice to just have the break as the centerpiece, but it could benefit from just a subtle addition of a texture or something going on in the background. That’s just my 2 cents :). Good work!

      • #76467
        ,Marco Luna

        Thank you! I appreciate your feedback.
        ill post an updated version soonish.


    • #76650
      ,Mind Zero

      Great idea and good sample selection but for me sounds very loopy and I feel like there’s no bass in the whole track

    • #78643

      No bass? Plenty of bass on my end…maybe the tune got updated.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #78694

      Hi there,

      nice first track:)

      the best advice i can give you right now is: choose a reference track that you really reaaaalllly like, put it in your DAW, and compare them. Check how loud the kick, snare and sub are (this could be done in Voxengo’s SPAN (free plugin)) and try to get your elements at the same level. After that, try to blend the other elements of your track by ear.


    • #78697


      I see a lot of sub is happening here. I would adjust mixing a bit more precise. Also I think you got the groove, but sometimes I feel like there is a lack of content (especially on transitions).

      Cheers, P.

    • #79340
      ,Marco Luna

      Thank you for the feedback!
      Ill work on these and post an updated version later.


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