How to Complex a tune ?

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    • #39966


      Not Sure if my question is formed well but ill go for it 🙂 !
      I would like to know what to do that my tune is sounding more complex or more full for example that my reese or synth isnt to much in front.

      Like it sounds good while producing but as i relisten in the car or on other speakers some things are to much in front !

      do i achive this with a better Mixdown to get all together sounding balanced or do i need to change something already before mixdown or will it sound full and complex after i did the mixdown & mastering well.

      Hope i could explain a bit what my problem is started producing a half year ago maybe and hope to show something soon !

      cheers for help anyways,

    • #39997
      ,GENIE HQ

      Lots of referencing on different speakers is a good start. The tune should sound balanced, but at the same time some parts are meant to be more in the front of the mix.
      Mixing into reverbs on sends is a good way to get depth in the mix – making some things sound further away than others.
      No real specific answer – just reference well and use your brain / ears.

    • #40051

      Thank you for the answer.

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