Jade and Mindscape Tutorial Question

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    • #16762

      Hi everyone.

      I just have a quick question for Jade and Mindscape or any on here about the drum section of the tutorial.

      On one of the layers of the drum group they used a kind of noise layer that did not contain any transients.

      This was then layered with another track containing a more transient high hat layer.

      My question is about the noise layer. Im just wondering how you would normally go about making this layer ?

      It sounded as if it was a distorted highhat layer that could of been made with white noise or something with lots of reverb on it. It also had a rythm to it.

      I would imagine its used to give the track more air and

      So basically my question is what are some ways of making this non transient rhythmic noise layer in your drum group.

      So i

    • #16795

      Distort and then heavily compress some rides would be the most obvious to me.

    • #16805

      If you’re after that ‘fizzy’ texture on the hats, then send a sub and some hats to a separate channel/bus. From there you can limit the hell out of that signal which will distort and modulate all frequencies involved, in particular the hats and so on. Low cut to taste afterwards. From memory I think both Prolix and Insideinfo touched on this, although the latter was using white noise and not hats. Hope this helps!

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