Lamp Sessions (Monthly Challenge #001) – submissions due June 20 at 11:59PM UTC

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    • #45112

      After chatting a bit with The Genie HQ and Shrike, and in the spirit of exercises & challenges like Team Supreme’s cyphers, the various remix competitions out there, the occasional DOA production challenges, and the newer Funk Forum’s recent white noise challenge, I would like to start a monthly exercise for those active in the Sample Genie forum.

      Think of it as a way to either get out of your comfort zone, or if that particular month fits what you do already, a way to flex, show some outstanding skill, and maybe teach other members a new approach or technique to try. I hope that creating an opportunity to write will give others some new material to work with, break people out of writers block, or even just introduce members to each other.

      Some examples of these challenges will have “specs” such as: short deadlines, tempo restrictions, small sample libraries, single synthesizers, native DAW plug-ins only, “blind” collaborations where participants are randomly paired, maybe even odd time signatures. These challenges will need member participation to get the idea off the ground, and if you have suggestions you want to make for future challenges, please share.

      CHALLENGE #001
      This inaugural challenge is going to be a sample challenge. Write a one & half to three minute demo track (+/- 15 seconds) using any samples from this season of Sample Genie uploads. No synths (including drum synths) or other samples, but get creative with your plug-ins and samplers, heavy resampling, editing & mangling audio is encouraged. This season had material from a wide range of artists.

      You have just over two weeks to write something and upload, and then a week to listen to the other submissions & pick one demo as your favorite, other than your own submission. Feedback on final submissions is encouraged as well. Think in terms of “want feedback? give feedback.”

      SUBMISSIONS DUE: June 20, 2018 at 11:59 PM UTC
      Find UTC info here:

      VOTES DUE: June 27, 2018 at 11:59 PM UTC

      FILE NAME FORMAT: (your artist name) – Lamp Sessions #001 Demo
      Just focus on writing a piece. If you decide to turn it in to a full track later, then give it a name, but for the purpose of this challenge, please use the file name format.

      SUBMIT: Upload a private track on SoundCloud and share the link in this thread any time after June 15, 2018. Please, no work in progress uploads, or “feedback on what I’ve done so far”, just post your one & final submission. Do you, do not worry about how it is shaping up, and if it’s the submission deadline and you only have a one minute clip, post it. Collaborations are okay, but if you post a collab, you cannot also post a solo piece or additional collaborations.

      PRIZE(?!?): The demo with the most votes, will get a free month of Sample Genie next month. Every month will have a prize. Also, I am participating because I can always use some exercise, but I will be exempt from the prize.


      Get to work on some sketches and keep sight of the deadline.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #45116

      For examples of specs / rules for other challenges, check these out:

      For examples of demo tracks, check these playlists out:

      Unsure how to approach this challenge? Feeling the constraints are too much? Ask questions, see how other members might approach the problem. Rather than thinking “I can’t do _____ with these”, think of a question like “I want ____ to ____, how could I do that?”

      Lastly, if you like using Serum because of how you can process sounds in it, use it as an FX insert on your audio channel or after your sampler. You can still apply a lot of the LFOs and envelopes to the effects rack in Serum. That’s just one example of using a tool differently than how you might usually use it.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #45117


      Pumped for this, thanks Harry.

      C’mon Genies, let’s get some shit rolling, and we can all give feedback.

      If you’re producing in a bubble, you are doing it wrong :). Exposure to constructive criticism from invested peers, with actionable feedback on what to work on, is only going to make us better.

      I’m in. Much excite.

      Genies, make some wow.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #45150
      ,GENIE HQ

      Excited to hear what people come up with!
      Just to confirm the winner of each month gets their membership for next month paid for..
      Also we can look to link you up with one of the team for some personal feedback on another (finished) tune of yours..

    • #45275

      for sure … we can use samplepacks from july 2017?

      • #45287

        Yes, July 2017 was the start of season 5.

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

      • #45288

        ok …. then my tune is ready πŸ™‚

    • #45289


      _-| get to work |-_

      • #45292

        rules says after 15.6 πŸ™‚

    • #45293

      Ah dammit, sorry about that! I’m just excited to hear some of the stuff everyone is doing.

      Thanks for keeping me straight.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #45320
    • #45323

      tune isnt showing up bud

    • #45326
      • #45539

        This is probably too ‘experimental’ for my tastes, but at least it sounds quite clean and what really caught my attention were the nice little drum rolls (e.g. at 1:06) – those are great.

        What I enjoy at this style of music is usually the sound design – specifically weird twisting basses. And that’s imo what’s missing from yours. You have played quite a bit with the drums and percussions, however, there seems to be a lot of “empty space”. All these little breaks are screaming “put some crazy bass in here right now!” πŸ™‚

        Also, I never wrote this before (afaik)… I think your dynamic range is too high :p Sure, you shouldn’t copy mine (which is too low), but yours feels a bit like a rollercoaster where you never know how loud/quiet will the next hit be. I would apply some compression.

      • #47462

        for sure listening on my head phones now im like holy shit may be to high and im half deaf already lol good critique and congrats brother

    • #45333

      A quick opinion question for anyone planning to participate. Instead of using UTC, just say final submissions due by the end of June 20th regardless of time zone? Or just leave it as UTC?

      11:59PM UTC
      is equal to:
      10:59PM BST
      07:59PM EDT
      04:59PM PDT


      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

      • #45404

        I would say UTC keeps things simple because you can easily use something like to figure it out for your specific timezone πŸ™‚

        btw: Not that it matters in this case, but by making the deadline local you slightly open a small cheating window, because you could act like you are in a different timezone than you actually are. Which I think is really irrelevant here, but maybe “interesting” :d

        Also, I only just discovered this competition, already started and will definitely post something either today or tomorrow. Nice idea.

      • #45405

        Thanks for the input Balron, and yeah, my initial concern was whether everyone had the same amount of time with a firm deadline, or something a bit looser. Definitely post something even if you hit the deadline and only had a sketch.

        Next Lamp Sessions challenge I aim to have something posted when next month’s samples are released.

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #45334
    • #45337

      What a brilliant project for peeps to get involved in. Looking forward to seeing more stuff like thiss to prompt interaction in the forum.

      More than a little gutted I’m only just reading this post, so won’t get time to participate. Maybe next time!

      Good luck to all involved πŸ™‚

    • #45346

      hey adam i like the tune

      • #45378

        Thx ?

    • #45406

      Did four or five sketches, this was the one I decided to push forward a bit more, and going to flesh it out in to a fuller track:

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #45408
      ,Target Audience
    • #45411

      Ok I have postponed today’s work to make this :d Would need way more time to make a proper intro and some progression/transitions, but yea… it is how it is πŸ™‚


      Note: I do not now how to embed code from SC here, I am getting 403 error.

    • #45412

      I’m loving hearing all of these tunes that are coming in. I have the samples just about memorized from making my own tune, and you guys have masked a lot of it very well, w/resampling, fx, etc.

      Nice work!

      I’m gonna vote that the deadline happen at our own local time, EOD, cuz I am in SoCal, my day ends last, and I’m not sure I will have it all prepped by the end of this evening.

      OR I will post in a few hours. We’ll see.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #45413

      Eff me, Balron, who pissed in your cornflakes!?!


      _-| get to work |-_

      • #45415

        haha, thanks! πŸ˜€

    • #45414

      i had fun either way its a great exercise good luck to all

    • #45435

      1st half is a remix/cover, and then it devolves into late night fuckery just cuz.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #45441

      So… do we start with the feedback/votes now? πŸ™‚

    • #45442

      Fer sure. All votes in by the 27th.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #45446


      I want to give feedback on each tune, then do some voting. And I’ll just throw out a blanket praise, that ALL of these tracks are nice in their own ways, and I love how competitive you guys are being with this.

      In order they were received.

      Juan/Joppa –
      Really like the quirky vibe here. Like several little skittery animals, popping in and out of sight. That lead sound is interesting & blippy. If I’m throwing down critiques, I think it might be that the mix might just need some more oomph and energy. This tune is kinda straddling the minimal vibe, and I know that sometimes gets mixed a little differently than some banger, but I think there is still some opportunity to focus and highlight the hero sounds, make the bass a bit thicker & present, etc. I know I could say the same on just about every mix I’ve ever done, so it might not even be all that helpful, but if you were to keep pushing, I’d say give each sound its own space (they are already logcially falling into their own spaces) and then see what happens if you push/drive them in their freq ranges, until it just phattens up. The lead sound is quite prominent, so that one might work just fine as is, but there are some BG bass noises that could be brought forward a little more. Maybe more freq layering with additional FX, maybe some more width.

      Adam –
      Nice intro, spooky bizness and all. Nice drop into a cruspity, edged out bass line. That most prominent bass sound is pretty wikked. The reese or saw or whatever that is alternating with it just seems to fade away in the presence of that other hero sound. Might be worth trying to polish up the “response” sound a little more, cuz again, that main bass sound is stealing the show. I’m actually kinda interested in how you get that top layer, almost “desaturated” kind of sound. It sounds boxy, in a good way, and the tops give it a nice harmonic energy. If it were me, I might pusht that snare just a little harder, but that is certainly a subjective thing.

      Harry/R4NSOM –
      Almost jazzy, clean atmospheric open, and then straight to bizness. That snare could possibly use some more top layer love, it sounds a bit muffled to my ears. The kick sounds a skosh too loud to me, but I’ll admit that I am not the best at setting kick levels. My personal opinion is that a kick should sit comfortably with the sub bass, not being too far forward or behind it, gain-wise. Maybe it’s that the sub levels need to be pushed a little more? I do like the juxtaposition of the light and dark themes, very Metalheadz-y in that sense.

      Target Audience –
      Mmmmmmmmmm, dancefloor destined. Dark, atmospheric opening, previewing the madness to come. Drums are poking through well. A lot going on on top, but it’s not too much for me. The arpeggios (like starting around 1min) provide a nice energy. I could see them being used for a nice build+drop. Impending doom type pads are good for keeping the dark vibe going. Nice.

      Balron –
      LOUD. AS. F#CK. And dark. And pissed off. I love the stylee. My critique is that it’s a bit too loud, and I don’t mean overall RMS, I mean at pain point frequencies. A smoothed out top end will make it easier to listen to on blast. Currently it’s a bit painful when cranked up. I am also struggling against this issue. But I love the arrangement, and I love the “take no prisoners” and “I ain’t apologizing for sh!t” vibe. I listened to your other tunes on SC, and there was more loud dark goodness there. Brutal. I dig it.

      Shrike –
      (I mean, why not, right?) It was getting way too loud, esp in high freq pain points, but I (tried to) smooth it out a bit more last night. Also, all that was asked for was a ~1:30 min piece, and you (I) threw down basically an entire track, dumbass. Old skool vibe and arrangement which might not be everyone’s thing these days. Maybe kick is a little too far back in the mix? Gets a little boring in the middle, but again that’s just kinda the difference between modern drum and bass and a tune made 20 years ago. 8 and 16 bar turnarounds could be better executed, it’s a little half-ass now. I do love when that bass drops, though. Gets me every single time, and really I am talking about the original Warhead from Mr Krust, which this track is just emulating, so I can’t take credit for that. Also, it’s too long, but I like it when the drums come back at the end. Maybe snare is a little too hot? Work on that mixing, the mixing can always improve. Doesn’t really end all that well, just sorta fizzles out, but we said ~1:30 min anyway. Dumbass.

      Do I really have to pick?

      Ok, I will.

      It’s a tossup for me, between Target Audience and Balron, and while I think TA has a bit better technical execution, I just really dig what Balron did musically.

      So I vote Mr. Balron. But it’s kinda hard to pick, a lot to like in this bunch.


      _-| get to work |-_

      • #45535

        Thank you for the feedback.

        I agree there are some way too harsh sounds in the higher frequencies. I think it’s because I ended up finishing the demo during a night with headphones and my ears were probably already too tired to realize I am actually making it worse.
        Glad you appreciate the rough style. I still haven’t learned how to make something musical (I suck at melodies), but I am coming from old-school (~2002) techno, hardcore and death metal history, so I simply enjoy when the music is hard and groovy.

        Your entry also has a dark&hard vibe (well maybe besides that warhead synth ‘melody’, which is trying to save you from the ‘darkness’ :D). Unfortunately, the mixdown doesn’t provide much ‘punch’ and clarity. I think I already wrote this somewhere.. I also struggle with the mixdown. Finding the balance between punchiness, loudness and clarity seem to be an eternal struggle for me. My entry is overdone imo. It’s pushed a bit too much so the punch/dynamics and clarity also suffer. Of course, I heard that only the day after I submitted it πŸ˜€ I like it, but at the same time, I know it’s not right.

    • #45447

      hey thanks for your critique i didn’t want to over think the tune just worked about 6 hours on it stayed up late this was a lot of fun. also wanted to leave it the way it was because of my job i work 7 days a week have my own business. i just love drum and bass and will not ever stop lol good luck to all

      • #45463

        i just love drum and bass and will not ever stop


        ALL DAY.

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #45448

      For me, there is only one winner and its Target Audience πŸ™‚ i think this contest is about producion skillz and not about style.

      • #45457

        For me, there is only one winner and its Target Audience ? i think this contest is about producion skillz and not about style.

        For me, it’s about music. DnB, imo, is the intersection of art and science, and you can’t have any science without art, and vice versa.

        But as I said, it was really nearly a coin flip. I’m just kind of a sucker for the almost Dilinja-esque bangin mufkin snare, and huge bass that Balron was throwing down. But TA killed it too.

        Adam, yours was also right up there. Truly.

        Like Juan, I’m just happy to play.

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #45449

      When I found this, there were just the first two entries iirc and after hearing Adam’s one I thought “fk, do I even want to participate now?”. I really liked the mixdown and gritty bass hits. Now I am torn between Adam and Target Audience. Adam got the mixdown, but Target Audience has a more interesting arrangement. Both are tough and important aspects of each track. You two should try a collab πŸ™‚

      I’ll give my vote to Target Audience.

      Here are some suggestions (disclaimer: I understand time constraints and the fact the full song would have some of this handled, but I still need to write something :d):
      – The initial 24 bars of the intro are the same, some noticeable change happens only in the last 8 bars. Could use better/longer progression/buildup.
      – The drop is good, but still feel like it could be bigger. Would get rid of the ‘click’ before the drop and make the buildup with even more energy.
      – The arp/synth starting at 1:07 is really nice and it’s a pity you left it fade away at 1:18. It deserves progression, the last 16 bars should definitely have this as a lead. Without it, they sound the same as the first bars of a drop.
      – The overall mixdown isn’t bad (better than mine for sure), but it has a space for improvement. It’s just a little bit muddy imo and lacks the clarity and presence that Adam got. This is something I am struggling with a lot, so I can’t give you specific tips on how to fix it.

      btw: I liked the idea of giving feedback to all the tracks, but I must admit… I am really lazy to do that now. Sorry. If someone really wants it, let me know and I’ll try to help πŸ™‚

    • #45461
      ,Target Audience

      Great feedback guys, I appreciate it a lot πŸ™‚ I reckon getting feedback here is actually more important than winning this competition.

      As far as my opinion goes I would vote for Adam. Reason for that is the clean and strong mixdown and all the elements in his song are just correct (both technical and musical wise). I definately have a thing or two to learn from you. Great job!

      But I will give short feedback for everyone since I found something that I liked in everyone’s track.

      JUAN – You seem like an experimental type of person and your track definitely was unique. My opinion is that you have quite a lot of space to fill there (be that a bass, synth or some stabs).

      Adam – Well, I already explained above what I like about your track. Keep up the good work!

      R4NSOM – I think your track has a lot potential but it’s the snare that I’m really not keen of (it’s really dominant for this track). I like this dark liquid kind of vibe you have but if you would change the snare to something softer (something like rimshot for example) then I think it would fit the vibe much more (Tho, that’s just my opinion).

      Balron – Oh boy, what an intense drop. Mixdown wise could use some work (especially the top end could use some cutting) and in the intro I feel like you could add some more elements that would fill the space and would create more atmosphere there. I don’t know why but your track reminded me one memory from Let it Roll festival where I stumbled on to one artist who had similar style as you and I remember how people were just raving hard on the dancefloor (sadly I can’t remember the name of that artist but hey maybe it was actually you πŸ˜€ )

      Shrike – Award for the longest track here definitely for you. Production wise I reckon the kick is a bit too weak in your track and would need more presence (be that a higher layer kick on top of that for example) to stand out more. I love the synth sound (or not sure if it’s synth) in the first drop you have going on in the background (mind telling which sample is that because I would sure love to play with that) but the bass could use more top end (use like a saturator for the top end for example). Interesting change you have happening starting from 2:12 I like it. Although I kind of felt like listening to 3 different tracks and that was a bit confusing in my opinion.

      So thanks to everyone. I enjoyed listening to all the tracks πŸ™‚

      • #45537

        The intro is somewhat thin indeed. I liked how yours sounds. Any tips on how to achieve that ‘fullness’? When I am trying to fill the space I usually fk it up in a way that everything is muddy and the ‘live mid’ frequencies are still missing anyway :d
        And yea, tops are over the top :p and should be fixed.

    • #45462

      I love the synth sound (or not sure if it’s synth) in the first drop you have going on in the background (mind telling which sample is that because I would sure love to play with that)

      Do you mean the cheeky little sound that sounds a bit like the lead in Jonny L’s “The Bells”…?

      Yeah that is a fun sound, I will look up what I used for that when I get home.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #45472



      _-| get to work |-_

      • #45490
        ,Target Audience


    • #45505

      yeah guys i vote balron i like the gritty vibe , all tunes were tight though

    • #45508

      Just got back from holiday, so just under the wire. Thanks everyone that contributed! The feedback aspect was totally optional, but I am sure it is appreciated all around. I know for myself, the snare on my demo was rushed and I’m going to work on something classier to fit the vibe of the track. Here’s what I noted when checking out everyone’s submissions:

      • Joppa/JUAN – I dig the intro atmospherics, and the glitchy game sounds you crafted. Also, the name on SoundCloud is cool, The City of Joppa, made me think your demo was a peak at some aspect of your world.
      • TuoR/Adam – Very full sounding atmosphere in the beginning, and I like that swung 2-step beat. Very modulated bassline too, all those sounds talking to each other, little rips happening in the mid. This is a funky & techy head nodder for sure.
      • Target Audience – This builds up nicely, tension & drama until the drop, and then yeah, this is dope. Lots of cool elements, track has movement.
      • Balron – loud, angry, and ethereal with that vocal. I really like those key hits in the intro too. I imagine people in a dark warehouse really getting in to this. Really like that β€œjuggg juggg juggg” bass fill too. Also just noticed you and TuoR are from Brno, do you guys know each other?
      • Shrike – I like how the track rolls in to the drop, and the I guess robotic chatter underneath in the first section. Then the shift around 2:12 is like a teched out version of β€œWarhead”. Demo was too long for the challenge parameters, but I think you could split this in two two complete tracks if you wanted.

      I really enjoyed TuoR/Adam’s demo, giving his a vote for #001. Also followed each of you on SoundCloud.

      I am going to talk with Genie about #002, I have an idea or two to run by, and we will have that posted next week when Season 6 gets underway.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

      • #45538

        This tune has a great melodic bass and atmo, but it got assaulted by a bunch of angry drums on their way to a free tekno party πŸ˜€
        I think you really got a nice mood built from the bass and pads, which is something I am unable to produce, however the drums are quite crunchy and not fitting (to my taste at least).
        I would like to hear this almost cliche rolling hats from every other liquid tune followed by softer beat (e.g.: – the beat here isn’t the softest, but at least it got the groovy liquid hats).
        Also, the intro starts nice, but the sudden drop sounds a bit like you were running out of time so you just skipped the transition (which is legit and works in some tunes imo).

        Imo: Try to make this into something liquid(ish) :d Don’t worry about vocals, just try to record some long/slow automations with pads/basses to get some progression and it’s gonna be a nice chill track.

      • #45540

        the above post was supposed to go under your track submission Harry, I am bad with the reply button here:d

      • #45541

        No worries, and thanks for the critique! As for the short intro, for the demo I just wanted to get straight to the meat and main ideas, but usually do a 32 or 48 bar intro. Working on the full version now.

        "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #45509

      Mine was just a straight up riff on Warhead. At least until that second half. The arrangement through that first half was just a 1:1 of Krust’s classic hit.

      I dunno. I had someone suggest that maybe I do a cover (remix) of older tunes, as an exercise, and I just slipped in for this. Timing, y’know? It wasn’t gonna compete with this lot, though.

      Not next time though. Next time I do me. MUST DO BETTER!!!

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #45510

      Man, this one is close…

      By my tally:

      Balron = 2 votes
      TA = 2 votes
      Adam = 2 votes

      Genie, looks like you’re gonna get the deciding vote.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #45513

      agreed with shrike

    • #45515

      Balron: toΕΎ kurva. to abysme dali nΔ›kdy pivo πŸ˜€

      for non czech speaking guys…. its beer offer :))

      • #45534

        Done. Beer’s gonna happen πŸ˜›

    • #45523

      Genie, if you don’t weigh in SG is gonna be out 1 month dues x’s 3! ahaha!

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #45529
      ,GENIE HQ

      To everyone who sent in πŸ™‚
      Going through them in the order they we posted:


      awesome very left field sounds, maybe streamling it a bit into a memorable phrase might help – but great work on going for something unusual.


      Great tone and feel to it, and a slick choice of samples, good arrangement.. maybe a bit more filth , grunfge somewhere in the mix might go well
      Track like this would suit a beefy mix


      Lovely lovely musical moments, just the snare tweaking and and more tone and low end weight in the kick it’s a great tune.


      Tight mix as expected from you. Dancefloor number, definitely imagine quite a few people keen to play this when finished.
      Maybe bringing that bass right up in the mixx and driving it along from there as well as the beats. *bass focused*


      playing some lovely clean audio cuts in the beginning,then moving into something else completely.. Lots of old school influences in here.
      Ton of attitude. Touch more bass? maybe, but hefty tune.


      Nice hands in the air intro build up, dropping nicely, wrong footed a bit by the drop, maybe a bit, but that can sometimes be a good thing. Fresh sounds
      in the drop, nice beat and overal differernt feel to this. The Krust appreciation is wicked, Ram trilogy meets hazard.. a cool demo in that it has lots of
      different parts, perhaps again streamlining it back a bit could help.

      Vote here: 2 votes for Balron 1 vote for Adam.
      So Balron take it this time.
      On pure zerof**ks approach and vibe..!

      Drop us an email [email protected] πŸ˜‰

      • #45533

        Thanks! This was an interesting contest with tough competition for sure.

        btw: The email address seems to be wrong. My msg is getting rejected πŸ™‚

      • #45536
        ,GENIE HQ
      • #45544

        Thanks for the critique i usually make my own patches from when i started producing, definitely enjoy these restrictions to build skills and yes tune was rushed but wanted to participate.

    • #45530

      Congrats to Balron!

      And great job everyone for playing.

      Looking forward to the next one. I’m gonna get more competitive this time ahahahahahahahahah

      _-| get to work |-_

      • #45531


      • #45532

        Damn… I keep getting confused with the position of ‘reply’ button πŸ™‚

    • #45542

      Listening to it again. Like a mufkin T-Rex running through an Antique China shop wearing nitro-glycerin trainers….

      _-| get to work |-_

      • #45543

        funny shoes

    • #45621

      congrat balron and thx to all for great competiton πŸ™‚

    • #45624
      ,Target Audience

      Congrats Balron πŸ™‚

    • #45635

      Thanks everyone. Was a good contest.

    • #47446

      Already received a feedback (to different tune/clip) from Jade. Some great tips in there!
      Definitely want to win the next contest as well πŸ˜€

      • #47624

        nice i love jade own alot of his vinyl

Viewing 43 reply threads
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