Leveling de microphones of the monthly Sample Genie casters

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    • #18979

      Dear Sample Genie content creators,

      Is there a chance you guys can level the audio of the monthly videos, making sure voice and DAW are in balance? Often times I have to turn up the volume to hear the speaker, and whenever he starts playing sounds, I have to tone that shit down. I find it kinda odd to see such a thing (it’s not just here, also in a lot of YouTube tutorials) with professionals. I had a hard time listening during the last two months videos (Signal and ChrisSU). I love these producers, but it would be so much better if they’d level the mic output with the DAW output.

      I don’t know exactly how their microphones are routed to OBS (which they both seem to use to record their screen). But OBS has a meter which shows which peaks the volume is reaching during recording. Just something I wanted to point out 🙂


    • #19056
      ,GENIE HQ

      Thanks for this,
      We have intentionally mixed the DAW audio a little higher so you can hear it better. But we’ll look into balancing things where appropriate in future.
      Thanks for the feedback

    • #19807
      ,Ruben D

      chris.su video is the perfect video so far 🙂

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