Limiter on the drum bus??

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    • #68922
      ,Mind Zero

      Hello guys, after listening back to a few of my WIPs, I found that in some of them there is a kind of a ringing noise when the drums and sub start hitting. So after thinking about what could be causing that, I realised that I often put a limiter at the end of my drum busses and I’m starting to think that this is probably not a good practise. Do you use it like this? Anyone knows about any video talking about this?? Thanks!!

    • #68923
      ,Mind Zero

      In this track you can hear the noise I’m talking about at 00:45 (please don’t judge the track, I just started it hahahah)

    • #68926

      i dont hear the ringing

      • #68927

        maybe tame the hats a bit

      • #68937
        ,Mind Zero

        It doesn’t come from the hats, sounds like saturation but there is nothing clipping in the mix, that’s why I thought it could be the limiter.

    • #68934
      ,GENIE HQ

      Next month’s video should have some content of interest for you 😉

      • #68938
        ,Mind Zero

        Wow, glad to hear that!!

    • #68949

      I guess the first question is: what limiter are you using?

      I use a limiter on my drum bus (on all my busses, in fact)…It’s the Fabfilter L2, and I always turn on at least 2x’s oversampling. L2 has a feature where you can actually listen to what the difference in the oversampling is, and when isolated it’s quite a pronounced effect, by not oversampling.

      I hear the little ringing that you are talking about, and that is what it sounds like to me.

      I don’t use Live’s native limiter, because there is no option to oversample, or set to “high quality” like many Live plugs can do. This is an oversight, in my opinion. Many limiters, including free ones (Venn Audio’s FreeClip comes to mind) offer the ability to oversample, in order to avoid artifacting.

      _-| get to work |-_

      • #69008
        ,Mind Zero

        I also use Pro-L2 with 8x oversampling, that’s why I’m a bit confused. It’s not doing aggresive limiting either.

    • #69009
      ,Mind Zero

      In the Halogenix breaks tutorial I saw he’s not using any limiter on the drum bus, just compression and EQ, and many people say limiters are only intended for the master stage, so I would like to hear more opinions about this.

    • #69752

      I guess the first question is: what limiter are you using?

      I use a limiter on my drum bus (on all my busses, in fact)…It’s the Fabfilter L2, and I always turn on at least 2x’s oversampling. L2 has a feature where you can actually listen to what the difference in the oversampling is, and when isolated it’s quite a pronounced effect, by not oversampling.

      I hear the little ringing that you are talking about, and that is what it sounds like to me.

      I don’t use Live’s native limiter, because there is no option to oversample, or set to “high quality” like many Live plugs can do. This is an oversight, in my opinion. Many limiters, including free ones (Venn Audio’s FreeClip comes to mind) offer the ability to oversample, in order to avoid artifacting.

      Have you played with using Ableton’s new drum bus device? It’s by far the best single device for drums they’ve yet to offer. And the first time a native device included a transient shaper.

    • #69889

      I have, yes. It’s not a bad rig, but I prefer my specific component pieces.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #70049

      I have, yes. It’s not a bad rig, but I prefer my specific component pieces.

      I hear you. it’s not gonna get there by it’s self, or at least not when you already have goodies by fabfilter, Waves, TDR, Isotope, etc. It is nice to use when working on projects with other Ableton users that don’t share the same VST’s as you do though. definitely a nice addition. Kinda want to see how they’ll build on it\add to it in future versions.

    • #70167

      No doubt. I’ve thrown it on a few times, dig the sound, I did find the “boom” a bit unpredictable/uncontrollable, but I suppose that is to be expected.

      I’m a big transient shaper snob. So far there is no better than the SPL Xans Designer plus.a.something about that one that rules above all…like it creates additional harmonics, as opposed to just accentuating. Hardcore.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #70206
      ,Mind Zero

      Ok don’t worry about the noise, I found out that is produced by my headphones when playing bass sounds.
      But still interested in your opinion about the limiter anyway.

    • #70301

      Really? Interesting. What model of headphones?

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #70482

      No doubt. I’ve thrown it on a few times, dig the sound, I did find the “boom” a bit unpredictable/uncontrollable, but I suppose that is to be expected.

      I’m a big transient shaper snob. So far there is no better than the SPL Xans Designer plus.a.something about that one that rules above all…like it creates additional harmonics, as opposed to just accentuating. Hardcore.

      yeah man, the boom i don’t even fuck with. Sounds like shit for DnB applications.. i mean, we can do whatever it’s doing way better and with more control in a number of ways. I have seen some friends that make trap (i know i know, friends shouldn’t let friends make trap) use it on 808’s with the color messing around with some okay results.

      I’ve yet to snag the SPL transient shaper. I’ve always wanted it though, just never seems to be on sale when i got the flow. So far i’ve just been using Neutron 2’s transient shaper and Waves Audio TransX.

      • #70494

        Feel you there with the boom function. Never seem to get the results I want with the drum buss on ableton. You should get your hands on the spl transient shaper though, was a game changer for me!

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