Mixing software

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    • #17907

      I’m not super impressed with the dynamics and mixing effects that are included with Maschine (save for the transient processor). I am looking at FabFilter plugins, and Neutron Advanced from Izotope. I know Neutron is really new but it seems to be a pretty good one-stop-shop for mixing… I also know that a lot of producers swear by FabFilter’s stuff. I’m open to other options too. Does anyone have any constructive feedback on the issue? What is the ideal software situation here?

    • #17909

      There isn’t an ‘ideal situation’, it’s just a question of using the right tools for the job. Some plugins like FabFilter’s are just easier and faster to use but they’re not going to tell you how much you need to compress or EQ a track to make it work best in the mix. You have to learn that the hard way i’m afraid.

      I would highly recommend Fabfilter’s plugins though, their EQ is superb and the multiband compressor is literally a game changer once you learn what you can do with it.

      I haven’t used Neutron yet but it looks good, although i’ve heard it absolutely batters your processor.

    • #17961

      Thanks. Yeah, I’m not really looking for a program to tell me how much i need to compress or eq… not really sure how you drew that conclusion from what i wrote. Maybe I should’ve been a bit clearer… I was intrigued by Neutron because Izotope claims that it’s great as a channel strip and includes some interesting features. What I was going for with the “ideal software situation” question is… For mixing, which of these options is going to give me the freedom to have lots of instances while not dragging down my CPU a whole lot, and if maybe members had preferences based on the interface and visual feedback, and just general strengths and weaknesses that members have observed while using them.


    • #17979

      I just watched the video introduction for neutron and it comes across like its going to assist/guide you in the mixing process. Maybe that was the reason for misunderstanding, Looks like a really nice plug..some cool features i have not seen before.
      As G said the Pro Q and Pro MB are great. Fabfilter’s plugs seem really cpu light to me and are just fast and easy to use. You can really push these plugins and i find they still sound really good. Izotope goes a bit deeper though. All depends on your workflow and how familiar you are with the plugin at hand really.

    • #17983

      Hi Proxim… Thanks for your feedback. Yeah, I bet the “Track Assistant” is exactly what he was talking about… Seems like a strange feature. That “masking meter” looks pretty cool though.
      I’ve been using the free TDR Nova EQ that Tokyo Dawn made for a while now… It’s good, but I want something that “goes a bit deeper”.
      So it looks like you guys both are pretty confident in FabFilter. I’m wondering if maybe Neutron is a little too new to be able to get opinions of people’s experiences with it.

      Anyways… thanks for the feedback. Very much appreciated.

    • #17984

      Honestly, i don’t think there’s anything ‘new’ about what Neutron does. The Masking Meter is basically what Fabfilter Pro-MB does with Multiband Sidechain Compression, which is essentially a dynamic EQ. I can’t believe that you’d have the level of control that Pro-MB does with multiple Freeband/Wideband options but I guess it just makes the process easier to understand for people that haven’t yet learnt it. Like I said before, I haven’t yet used Neutron but essentially it looks like a mixing for dummies type plugin. I don’t mean that with any offence of course, just that it’s a quick solution to a problem that really needs to be learnt fully.

    • #17992

      For sure, G. I totally feel what you’re saying about it being something that could be either an asset or a liability. Depending on the ability of the user it could be used as a shortcut which would sacrifice improvement of mixing chops, or it could be used as a tutor to reinforce mixing knowledge and gain a deeper understanding. But like anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it.
      So… this all came about because I qualify for cheap price on Izotope’s Music Production Bundle 2 ($299), and I figured because I was less than thrilled with my current situation of NI plugs and the TDR Nova EQ that I’d see what other dnb folks had to say. And I’ve been a huge fan of Trash 2 so Izotope has already earned it’s keep for me… And there’s enough stuff that I could make good use out of in that bundle to be worth the money for me, but there’s also a lot of stuff that is either redundant for me or I know I’d never use.

      It was also suggested to me by an experienced friend to check out stuff from Blue Cat for MB. Do you guys have any experience with them?

    • #18108

      Alright… so i ended up getting Neutron Advanced. It’s pretty great… That said, it actually is a bit CPU hungry. Fortunately, with the Advanced version you can break out individual modules so that you don’t have to use the full suite the whole time. The Track Assistant is only on the full strip with all the compressors, eq, etc. and not on the individual modules… And those individual plugs are quite lite on the CPU. The eq and multiband compression sounds great!
      All-in-all I’m very pleased!

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