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    • #111726

      Hey everyone, thought it might be interesting to check out what you all are coming up with and give some feedback. Post them here and I’ll try to listen and reply asap… WORD UP.

    • #111744

      thanks for this love your work btw

      • #111764

        I sent this tune for the last send out just wanted to know what your thoughts are

      • #111765
      • #111771

        Cool tunes! For the first one I’d just say please god don’t name it “funk,” but that’s far beside the point :P.

        I really like how this is pretty intricate and the call and response of the hooks. What I’d recommend, is before committing to a hook and then iterating on it, really go through a few possibilities before you decide to run with it. I usually do this with clips mode in Bitwig, I’ll go through like 10 different tune possibilities before deciding to iterate one out. This one is cool, but the main idea is difficult to latch on to, and the intricacy might not prop up a whole tune. The fills and glitches are nice, I think the weakest link is the main mid riff idea. It’s not necessarily the sounds that are the problem, but how they all fit together.

        On the second one, this is really bizarre, and I definitely like that about it! I think it might go too long without a sub for the main hook. I also think the “real” snare in there detracts from the weirdness of it, maybe a more clickity clackity or clappy sort of “not real” snare would fit better, as that’s what most of the drums sound like anyhow :). Also I’d really recommend against panning that kick. Good luck with it!

      • #111772
      • #111777

        thank you for your critique means a lot… been producing on an off with propellerheads reason on that note im thinking of jumping ship and moving on to the bitwig crew since now my main DAW is a plug in now

    • #111773
      • #111799

        Yooooo… These are hot as hell. The first thing you need to do is set these tunes to private and email me! [email protected]

      • #111807

        Hi! That honestly means so much to me thanks so much for having a listen. I’ll definitely shoot them over tomorrow when I’m back at home! 🙂

    • #111774

      Some sneaky pretty much finished tunes from myself which I want to send out 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to give some lovely insight. Think strut like a robot still has some harsh resonances that I need to sort out

    • #111781
      • #111783

        a remix of a kolectiv tune. Would be awesome to hear your feedback on this! Big ups

      • #111805

        This sounds fantastic! It’s clear you’ve got a grip on how to mix a tune, and I really think the hook is solid. What I’d say though, is this is a bit of a one trick pony. The subtle additions of percussion are nice, but they really are quite subtle. This has a really nice rolling vibe, so obviously you don’t want in your face insane fills or switch ups, but you can get a little more variety in there than this. I’d just say for future tunes, really think about trying to make switch ups and each 16 different, it will keep the listener’s attention more, and is more fun to make! Don’t be scared to experiment, you may notice every hi hat and subtle change you’ve made, but it might not be so clear to everyone else unless you make it so.

      • #111830

        yea man I defo agree with you there it’s always about gripping the listeners attention. I have been working on it for a while and scared to make too many changes as I know it will ruin the original style. Ill see what I can do.

      • #111795

        WOW all of these tunes are pretty nice!!!!! whats everyone using

      • #111796

        i am on logic x

    • #111786

      this is something in the breakbeat zone… plz let me know your thoughts on this

      • #111819

        This is really well done man. I have to admit, it’s not really the vibe of choice for me, but I can’t really fault any specific creative choices,it’s just a matter of taste.

        Engineering wise, I think you could vary the stereo spread of the main piano arp thing, maybe add some more modulation / movement in general to it. With those low snares, I think they could be a bit cleaner, in the sense that the attack doesn’t sound very clear to me, I’d really work on carving out space in the mix for them (maybe with some sidechaining) and making the transients a bit faster and clearer, it might just be a matter of better compression, or shaving off the front a bit. Right now they have a bit of a smeared texture, not as round and precise as they could be.

        Honestly though, this is all nitpicking, because I said I’d give feedback, overall nice work man!

      • #111822

        Thank you very much!!!!! It means a lot to me and I will get better at it!!! Thank you very much!!!

    • #111790

      Hi Hybris, thanks for doing this! I have two tracks for you, first was recently released on Czech label Deafmuted. I finished the second tune few days ago and did not sent it to any labels yet, so feedback before I do so will be much appreciated.

      Thanks again!

      • #112013

        Cau vole! These are sounding sick man, really good pressure on that bass, the drums punch nicely, I really don’t have much to say engineering-wise. Really nice work.

        Some fairly general, and maybe generic advice, is that there are tons of really good sounding tunes that hit on the dancefloor, and these definitely do that. I think it’s important to think though, where are you trying to innovate? What are you doing that these other tunes are not doing? Experiment more, try and make something that still hits hard, but goes into uncharted territory, something that will turn heads, give people that “Wait WTF?!” kind of moment. You’re already at the level production-wise, now it’s time to turn up the creativity a few notches 🙂

      • #112031

        Ďíky kámo! I was struggling with getting good sound for years, so your reply made my day! (actually maybe my whole year lol) I will definitely have your questions in mind next time I sit in studio instead of- Is this good enough? So thank you again for your time and feedback, its much appreciated.

    • #111840

      Hey, Cheers for this. Big fan. I’ve been sitting on these two for a little while not 100% sure what to do with them:

      • #112014

        Nice moody vibes man! I think these are pretty sick, one thing I’d say about the first one, is watch the reverb on the kick, there’s really no reason to do that. On the second one, I love me a good stick/rimshot snare, and this one sounds nice, but try to control the peakiness of it. When that is played loud, it might get a bit unpleasant. I really like the flow of these beats, and I like the bass work. Something to consider is to pepper it with more sfx to make it so the tune is not just a bass with cutoff movement and some drums. And as far as the bass goes, in the future try to consider ways to make the bass talk without just modulating that cutoff. It’s tried and true, and sounds good here, but it’s been done. I really like the sound that comes in toward the end, the alien breathing type thing, I think that could be more in your face and play more of a role. Good stuff!

      • #112042

        Cheers for this! Will go in and give them a cheeky update at some point.

    • #112059

      Still working on this one, got the basic premise down I think

      • #112955

        Hey, nice vibes on this! The thing I think that could the most attention is the processing of the drums. They’re nicely separated, but they’re quite “pokey” and could be a bit softer sounding. The conundrum is you want transients, but you also want them to sound soft, to pulse, and breathe, and gel together. Right now you’ve got the transients, but I think you could work on the processing of the drum buss to get them to gel more, to sound less rigid and more breathing. Work that compression, mess with saturation, and a/b to tracks that you like the sound of. Nice work!

    • #112283

      Yooo big up thanks for spending your time doing this. Loving all the stuff you’re putting out 🙂

      Nothing of interest here.

      • #112958

        Wow, dark! This is great lo-fi sounding stuff. What I’d say for the first one, is be careful of hurting people’s ears with these rogue, harsh frequencies. It can be dark and lo-fi and evil as hell, but at the end of the day you want it to be a pleasant listening experience. Use limiters and saturation to keep things tamed without losing those vibes. If it hurts your ears, try to notch it a bit with an eq. If that ruins the vibe of the sound, try other stuff. Look ahead on a limiter can do wonders for taming this sort of stuff.

        With the second on, no ear damage here, so that’s great. Again, great, brooding vibes. I like the reecey bass, but what I’d say is that it’s a bit muddy and all over the place as far as volume in the sub. Work some multiband compression on the low end to keep that more consistent with all the modulation affecting more of the mid and hi frequencies.

      • #114405

        Thanks for the feedback, it has been noted and will look out for these issues in future tracks!

        Thanks for taking the time to do this, i know we all appreciate it a lot!!

        Nothing of interest here.

    • #112292

      • #112959

        This sounds good man. It’s not really my vibe, a bit too smash-face, but it sounds like everything’s where it should be frequency-wise 🙂

    • #112302
      • #112962

        This one is much more up my alley vibe wise, engineering wise it could use more work. I think that snare gets a bit lost in the mix, try some really fast sidechaining, so that it’s not necessarily audible as an effect, but clears some room for the snare. I’d put a couple more kicks in there, but that’s obviously a creative choice you’ve made :). I think the main growly bass thing takes up a lot of space in the mix, I think you could modulate that more so that it’s not always so dominant, it’ll free up a lot of room for other stuff to shine through. Nice work!

    • #114055
      ,GENIE HQ

      Just to confirm this thread is now closed to new demo’s.

      A big thanks to Hybris for passing through.
      …Looks like a new signing to Hybris’ label popped up out of nowhere 😀

      Evan was really taken back by the quality of everything on this thread.
      He said:

      “The level of tunes on this feedback thread is really much better than average
      This is a very much an unrepresentative sample of what demos sound like usually”

      And we completely agree with him. Sounding very strong guys. Keep up the great work.

      Expect more of these with other artists’ & Labels in the near future 😉

      • #114911

        uff :'(

      • #120266

        super cool. love to see more of these

    • #114910

      Hybris , here’s one ^^

    • #130639

      Would really love if u give it a listen its still in the premaster and mix state so it might be clipping.

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