Question for making any remix

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    • #13558

      Today i have a question about this.
      So here is a thought experiment;
      You are listening to an artist that you like. Then you came up with an idea and started doing a remix for that track, with the parts you can salvage from the track you bought from your favourite store. Hours later the track is done. What would you do right now?
      I think an easy answer would be just a private upload to soundcloud then send the artist the link of the remix and improvise from there according to the response. Is it a good idea? What one should do in this kind of situation?


    • #13559

      IMO most established dnb artists are going to react negatively to a non-commissioned remix, for example search for stories about Redeyes remixing a Goldie track, a few stories about Tech Itch, people doing remixes of Doc Scott / Nasty Habits tunes. Sure, there are examples of bootlegs and non-commissioned remixes working out, but it sounds like they usually do not.

      My suggestion? Once you have the remix done, take out the remix parts, see how the track sounds without them. Either you’ll have a full original track of your own, or most of the components for a new track, and just put in a little more work to wrap it up.

      "Knowledge kept is knowledge lost." - Bobbito Garcia

    • #13992

      So if you had asked the artist if you could remix the track, or they had asked you, you’d be working with the original stems, samples or project files. The fact that you’ve had to rip the samples off the mastered version means that you’re making an unofficial bootleg.

      For the most part, as long as it’s not getting plays off anyone, then no harm done, it’s just a personal project. Worst case though, you upload it everywhere without the original artist’s consent, give it to people to play in clubs/radio/online mixes/etc, and the artist finds out about it, tracks you down and makes sure that you don’t get any releases on any labels they’re affiliated with. So it’s your call son.

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