Sketches, WIPs, etc

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    • #51273

      One of the hardest parts of producing solo is the loneliness.

      I would love an ongoing channel where we are throwing up our current WIPs. Good, bad, finished, not finished, whatever.

      Please feel free to participate…let’s hear whatchooall got.

      Latest WIP:

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #51291

      Should we post a feedback as well or just the music?

    • #51298
      ,Mind Zero
    • #51300
      ,Mind Zero

      Shrike, tight groove and nice high-end in the basses!

    • #51302

      All feedback is welcome, at least for me. If you hear something that you can help make better, I’m always up for hearing it.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #51307

      Mind, man that third fundamental(?) chord you’ve got in there creates quite a bit of urgency, and I really dig the knock sound at the second verse after the drops

      _-| get to work |-_

      • #51334
        ,Mind Zero

        What do you mean by “urgency”?

      • #51364

        It’s hard to explain…?

        I think my brain wants it to go one way harmonically, and when it goes another way it feels, tense,I guess? But not necessarily in a bad way. It’s hard to describe.

        Lemme listen again on my main rig and maybe I can expand a bit more.

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #51335
      ,Mind Zero

      And a little halftime WIP I’ve been working on this morning

    • #51482

      Worked on the mix a bit.

      Better or worse?

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #51483

      And gimme dat wip, Lord Balron

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #51545

      lol :d

      Ok, this is something I kinda like, but I need to fix the awful muddy mixdown. I already tried to rework it once and it lost too much power. Although several people told me it sounds good at their speakers, which just confused me.

      • #51569

        Balron you do not disappoint, my friend. Strong.

        I think your levels are ok, form this initial listen, I think you just need some more surgical sidechaining. The upper end of the sub is pushing the snare back some, I think it needs to open up at the xans in the 100-300hz range…maybe.

        I love the intro, though. Some dark shit. Does it just rain constantly where you live!?

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #51549

      Ad SawedOff: The second version sounds stronger, but it also got some extra mud in the usual range of mid/bass. Also, I think the snare is maybe a bit low? Maybe a bit of high boost would make it more alive.

      The hats/noise in the second half of drop is breaking the flow. I would prefer having it more rhythmical.

      The kick is cool and well balanced with bass. Also, the voices are nice. I think you could add more focus onto some extra atmo/fx, to make the whole tune mystical/ethereal (eh, shitty wording). If you would go that way, it would probably need a different base (to make the beat less dominant).


      • #51568

        Yup, I agree. I have more plans for FX & whatnot, and yeah the snare got lopped off a bit, and I think that is due to the engine I ran it through at the last step, which was to run it through Mixbus32c. I really like the sweetening of that Harrison console sound, but I can’t just drop a tune into it blindly…lest the snare tops get rubbed down a bit. And yeah I think some of that muddiness comes from strapping on two more limiters (albeit very gently). And I know what you mean about those hats, they kinda bug me too.

        Thanks for taking the time & giving feedback!

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #51694
      ,Mind Zero

      Does it sound better for you now Shrike??

    • #51695

      Ohhhh yeah, I think that is better, yes. Nice mix, those snares are sitting in there very cleanly.

      Is there something you do to your uploads to make them not scrub-able?

      It’s certainly up to you, but for critical listening it’s nice to be able to bounce around the track, esp when comparing two tracks.

      Or you could just make them dl-able 😉

      Nice work, I don’t really have much left to critique, well done tune. And I commend you for having developed a signature sound! Your tracks are unique from one another, but still manage to sit under the same umbrella of style. That’s a tough thing to do. Respect.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #51750
      ,Zero Four
      • #51781

        Busted link

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #51845

      4 different mixdowns in this one clip, which one sounds the best to you?

      • #51877

        The second one, the kick and snare sit better with the bass than the other versions.
        Edit: I think a compromise between the 2nd and 3rd one would hit the spot. Track is sounding good by the way.

      • #51884

        Shit, Lord Balron, I missed this for a moment…

        I like them all in sequence, to be honest.

        No joke. It creates importance and brings different elements to the front for different segments. So by the third segment, when the lead came forward, it felt like that was intentional, within the context of a tune, and that you were about to take me somewhere else next.

        They are all good, for there own reasons, but I think that creative sequencing of mixes is a subtle but effective tool to create movement, and would be very drum and bass of you to incorporate. 😉

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #51906
        ,Target Audience

        3rd and 4th absolutely bangin’. Love it!

      • #51908

        Thanks guys, you just made it even harder to pick the right one… 😀

        Appreciate the votes 😉

    • #51860

      Hey Guys! Just wanted to get some honest feedback on a track I have been working on. It is very rough but the main idea is there.

    • #51875

      That’s a nice start!

      I can give you some pointers on your mix, for sure, if you’re interested in that. If you make it downloadable I can give you some detailed feedback. You’ve got some good elements to start with, we just need to plump it all up, if you’re up for it.

      Lemme know.

      _-| get to work |-_

      • #51885

        Appreciate your comment and you taking time for some detailed feedback. Because I produce solo it is hard sometimes to get honest feedback. I just got back into making music (just for fun) but really would like to step my game up. I understand what should go into making a good tune but sometimes that’s easier said then done.

        Any feedback/pointers you have would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

      • #51902

        See what you think of this:

        I can give you the live file if you’d like.

        A few things I noticed:

        -make sure to pay attention to drum tuning; esp the kick I tuned up a little bit, there were just a lot of notes being used between the bass, kick and snare, so I tried to bring them inline a little more
        -I pitched the pad down one st. Seemed to fit in a little better to me
        -as for the mix, I mostly just got the lowest fundamental (sub), kick, and snare to certain values (0,-6,-6, in this case) and then brought up the other elements relative to that
        -I added some saturation and erosion for some color, and a little more top fizz
        -your stems were bounced out very quietly; maybe it doesn’t matter, they are just stems, but if they came out of your mix, don’t be afraid to give it some juice. Set your bass levels, set your main drum levels, mix around that.

        I hope that helps. We are glad to have you here, this is the place to improve, if that is your goal.


        _-| get to work |-_

      • #51907

        Thanks for taking the time to give me some feedback. I will for sure be taking these tips on board. If you could give me the live file that would be great!

      • #51918

        I tried to use just stock live plugs, but there are a few FF Q2’s in there, just cuz they were already in one of my freq splitting racks. If that’s an issue I can walk you through a live setup of the same thing.

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #52141

        Wow! really impressive re-work. I actually really really dig the original anyway, but the mixed version really brings it to full bloom. Great work both of you!

      • #51935

        I found that Stranger Things-like theme interesting… got curious once stems and project files started flying around.

        I had to clean up the project done by Shrike, because it was triggering the OCD I probably have… and since I was already messing with it, I did some quick edits as well 😀

        Here’s the Ableton (10 Suite) project:

        Note: I removed the 3rd party plugins which I didn’t have – L2, R, Valhalla and SPAN Plus. Used the stock reverbs and limiter instead.

      • #51943

        Yeah I didn’t get caught up in breaking out different groups, just wanted to get a semblance of a mix out.

        I like what you’ve done, Balron, but curious why you wouldn’t send the bass & mids to the SC’d channel? Why leave them wide open?

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #51945

        Because I am dumb 🙂
        Bass should definitely go to SC’d. Maybe even the mids.. although there’s just that one layer right now, so it might not be necessary (yet).

    • #51940
      ,GENIE HQ

      This is a really cool idea… passing around an Ableton file and working on it pass the parcel style.. Be very interesting to see if a finished track can come of this. Obviously it’s hard to all agree on a final, but if you can get there, keep us all posted!

    • #51942

      It’s on!

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #51962

      Hi Guys,

      Great idea btw about working on track! I started working on a new track/idea. I am trying to focus on getting the mix right so everything sits where it should. The track I uploaded it kind of a rolling deep tune (I don’t know!) I orginally started making hiphop so it is a strong influence on my style. I would love to see what you guys think. Again I don’t mind sharing all the tracks, so if anyone is interested let me know.

      • #52093

        Krilla this is nice!

        Mix is coming along. Rhodesy pad may be a little loud, and intermittent side reesey sound could maybe be brought to the foreground a little more.

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #52094

      Updated this one with a stabby lead. Is it getting too abstract…?

      And it’s an anti-drop. Like a two stage thing with a delayed fuse, but not in your face about it. Just experimenting.

      lemme know

      _-| get to work |-_

      • #52168

        Maybe it is getting a bit ‘abstract’. To me, it feels almost like a long intro/buildup. It’s like in the middle between a dancefloor roller track and an experimental halftime. Both could work.

        I would also try to get rid of the distortion (the cracking is most prominent at snare during the ‘drop’ part). Not sure what the source is, as the kick in the first half sounds somewhat clean. Also, the extra airy noise is… I don’t know. It makes part of the sound extremely alive, but it somehow doesn’t fit. I got no idea what would I change about it. 🙂

      • #52175

        Nice, I’ll look into all this..

        Thanks LB!

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #52301

      Worth persevering with?

      First post, sup all!

      • #52311

        Welcome, Defender! Happy to see you posting your work here.

        Yeah def worth continuing. I think you’re likely at the “mix polish” stage, and I think, if it were me, I would hit the drums first and get them polished up and at the levels you’d like (kick & snare somewhere between -10 to -6 dbfs is a good target), then build the rest of the mix around it, with that lowest sub fundamental being the next thing to attack.

        Keep going!

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #52385

        I agree with Shrike tighten up the mixdown, and add some sfx/background interest. I enjoyed to what have you so far, I think you could have a nice tune if you persevere. Not much to say other than keep at it Defender!

      • #52418

        Thank you both for the comments & advice, really appreciate it!
        Since posting I’ve got it to point I’m happy in terms of arrangement. So next up the mixdown!
        Do you have any specific critique in terms of levels/occupation of frequency? My ears aren’t so fresh on it after working on arrangement all weekend!
        Thanks again 😀

      • #52429

        Nice. Hard to judge off soundcloud sometimes but I think if you can let the sub through a bit more, would add to the groove. And maybe tightening up 150-400hzish area. Looking forward to hearing the final version.

      • #52431

        Make it downloadable, and I’ll put it under the microscope

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #52474
        Participant this one should be downloadable, cheers Shrike 😀

    • #52659

      I took the week off just to work on music.

      Is that snare better, Balron?

      I intend to finish both of these out.

      _-| get to work |-_

      • #52660

        Nice week off 🙂
        The snare sounds better (not so harsh anymore), but it’s almost getting dull now. I think it’s gonna be somewhere in the middle between these two versions (003, 004). However, I tried to compare with some tracks, and surprisingly, the original harsh snare is quite close to what I hear in Mindscape – Meltdown. The new track version also misses a bass that was there before (I would put it back).

        I am not sure how to ‘fix’ the snare.. maybe it’s being limited too much? Anyway, I recorded a comparison of some clips, which made me even more confused. Maybe the only issue with “harshness” of the snare was the tune context. In Meltdown, it doesn’t feel bad, because also rest of the stuff is quite loud/punchy.

        Give it a try (.7z archive with video inside):
        Archive password: sg

        (let me know once you get it if you want me to delete it soon)

      • #52662

        I like the snare in the second clip (Neutron strings), works way better. Especially with the hats/perc. It makes a nice groove.
        Here I think the mid neuro basses are louder and cover the rest of the sounds. Especially kick. They are also starting to be muddy. I don’t know how (eq I guess), but I would try to clean the mud and make the “voices” more prominent… probably by some eq tweaks in the mids and boost of air/presence by few db of a high shelf (e.g. 5kHz+).

        It could be also a nice tun once polished 😉 Good work

    • #52661

      Got it. I have a few thing’s I can try.

      Cheers bruv

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #52965

      See what you think of this guys 🙂

      • #54058

        I can dig the vibe, for sure. You’ve got a central concept, sourcing (direct!) from many different elements of dnb.

        I think the thing to focus on is the mix. You might look into some layered-freq sidechaining (IE multiband sidechain compression). Your kick is getting lost with all of that low end content…let that fucker poke his head through cleanly for about 10-15ms. Same goes for the snare, although I would get that kick right first and mix around that.

        Your vox sample sounds like it might have some low end rumble that can be surgically removed…the bottom end in general sounds like it might have too many occupants trying to fit into the same space at the same time. Clear the way for that bottom sub note, and the hero drums, and then let everything else fall into place after that.

        Try that and see what you think. Post again!

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #54059

      Thanks for the quality mix feedback man!

      I will certainly give this a go and repost 🙂

    • #54095
      Decided to develop my #004 entry, could use some feedback. Thanks!

    • #54165

      Intro kick (and maybe throughout) is a little too dry for my taste. I say give it a little bit of breath and life with even a quick verb, at the very least. Very pronounced in the breakdown too. The most jarring there, really, as you’ve put us in this spacious environment and then suddenly we have a kick jammed right up our nose, with no breathing room. I mean that in the most helpful way possible.

      Every fucking time I hear that slivery, slimey, skeazy drop I just love it. Part of it is the rattling panned drums. Sublime. I’m gonna cop that technique (sorry).

      I’m a mad sucker for that intro lead sound too. Like old EdRush and Optical (mostly Op) sounding. I would experiment with a big-ass verb on this hero sound. It’s dying to go full-on epic, especially in the intro, where there is more room to let it just go mental.

      Your intro is way rumbly in the lower sub, which is fine I suppose, but it feels dirty low, & not in a good way. Especially to initially start out a tune from bar 0. Doesn’t feel polished. Maybe high pass-ease it in, or clip off that bottom completely. And make sure nothing but sub is going below, say 55hz or so, ever. I think it’s a pad that is causing the rumble, or some atmos sound that isn’t a bass. Worth looking into.

      I like this track a lot. My vote in this month’s challenge was almost a coin flip between you and he. This new version is def improved.

      Well done.

      _-| get to work |-_

      • #54209

        Thanks for the detailed feedback Shrike and glad you enjoyed it. Good to have some fresh ears, I was beginning to get blinders on this tune. I’ll be sure to implement the changes you said, you’ve given me some clear goals I can follow through on. Feel free to cop the technique haha and seriously thanks for the honest feedback!

    • #54203

      • #54213

        I like what you have so far, I would cut that synth sooner @ :21 – :22 so you have just the fill and the vox. The groove makes sense for the drop. You might want to replace the kick with one that is more defined, or layer it. In terms of mixing start with getting the kick and sub levels right along with the rest of the drums and mix around that. I would say develop it more would be my main feedback and post it here when you do.

      • #54239

        thanks freeman i will

      • #54293

        Basses sound good imo 🙂 The snare is too loud and hats as well. They are so crispy/loud that they actually cover the mids. Try to tame those a bit to reveal bottom and mids more.

    • #54210

      i know my tunes need alot of work but just started this one

    • #54285
      ,Primitive Sequence

      Hi everyone,
      What do u guys think about this?
      i’m tryin to improve myself about mixdown but still learnin’…

      • #54292

        Hey, nice work!
        I like the bottom end. It’s clean and smooth. Mids sound good too.
        The only thing I can think of right now is the snare. It feels somewhat soft. Maybe a more defined transient and a bit shorter noise layer would make it better. This kind of tune could actually use a completely different snare – something more synthetic maybe? Just a click with a body.

    • #54300
      ,Primitive Sequence

      thanks man,
      will absolutely try to fix this snare

      btw really liked your tune from Lamp Session 002

    • #54840

      Had this one up for a while, always lurking in the background figured id pop in say hi and get some feedback.

      Coming back to this track i feel like the drums are lacking a little in this! Maybe needs some more variations in the bass/FX? Still learning to mix down as well so some tips would be sweet!

      Nothing of interest here.

      • #54878

        Start: kick it off with a crash or a descending noise or something of the like. Think about a dj having to cue it up and only being able to do it by ear (cuz that is how it was), and you want a decent transient to kick the thing off.

        Thematically dark as fuck, mate. Nice one.

        Your bass, specifically the sub, is awfully polite. Is the lowest note licking 0db when you look at it in a spectrum analyser? If not, that is your first move, then mix the key drums around that, then figure out where the rest goes.

        Then I would reach for an OTT to work on the higher freqs of the bass sound.

        This thing is screaming for some fizzy, bubbly, papery top sounds to compliment that bass. See Signal’s first SG video for some really great ideas about how to create & implement. This is a subjective taste thing, of course, but I think it could work very well.

        Maybe a little more surgical (frequency layering) sidechaining to let those drum xans crack out for just a moment.

        If you upload in the future, and care to do so, make your tune downloadable, and then I can really help.

        Twisted, mate. Keep going!

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #54957

        Thanks Shrike, thats the best/most useful feedback I’ve ever had! Will definitely work on those aspects and keep checking back to see if i can offer any helpful feedback for others as well!

        Nothing of interest here.

      • #55285


        oh… the intro… that reminds me some death metal intros. Actually, you just made me remember one of the bands I used to listen a lot: Gorerotted. Thanks 😀

        The scary/creepy buildup is great. That initial bass hit fits well. Overall mixdown is what turns it down, but that’s the fight we all are fighting so don’t worry – it’s tough to get right. At this point, I think you need to check some tutorials/masterclasses about mixdown, to up this. You already got great atmosphere and ideas.

        There’s one badly placed hihat though: The one that starts at 1:12 and plays each 1/4? Just a simple hat hit.. it doesn’t fit into the dark/creepy theme. Get rid of it, or try a different percussion (maybe with a bit of reverb).

        things to look into:
        – saturation (start by saturating kicks/snares and basses)
        – sidechaining (let the kick punch through basses)
        – loudness (without distortion)… both saturation and sidechaining helps here. Don’t get fooled into “you need compression” mentalities. Most samples are already compressed anyway and unless you know what you are doing you will actually cause more harm than good (imo).

        That’s basically it. If you get a good grasp of these, you are almost there 🙂

        Important: Do not fall into the “study hole”… I am there right now 😀 The mixdown is very complex topic (imo) and you can spend months on it. I would recommend creating the stuff as you do when you feel the vibe. And only study mixing when you feel uncreative/uninspired.

        I did press that follow button.. waiting for more from you.
        Keep it up and good luck!

    • #54956

      Hello everyone,

      Long time lurker here. Wanna share 2 tunes which are almost done for feedback before the finishing touches.

      First is inspired by old school neuro-funk. I know the drums are bit muddy – but its coming from the break which I used. Tried to switch it for different one and/or replace the hits, but then the tune lost its vibe…and vibe is more important than technical side, right? 🙂

      In the second track I was going more for a “wall of sound” style.

      • #55189

        Whaddup LiEnN, glad to have you participate.

        Rubber Duck: I dunno man, I think the drums sound nice. And I would tend to agree with you, I think the music is the most important thing. I know there is a crew that only looks for the mintiest freshest mixing, but I think that is only a part of the foundation that makes a good tune, given that it meets a certain minimum standard of course.

        There are some very well known DnB artists who are just SHIT at mixing, but have had wicked tunes over the years, and they’ve stayed successful and relevant. I think a mix needs to be coherent, but is only a part of the larger whole.

        The drop hits nicely, especially the interplay between bass and drums. Really dig that snare. Solid.

        My feedback would be similar to what I just gave gwells, and that it could use another layer of variation. Filter the drums, slap a hero sound in that only shows up once (turnarounds are perfect for this), etc. Nice tune!

        Trainwreck: Aggro and straightforward, you’ve got all the pieces in there, I think it’s just time to spit polish a few of them. If it were handed to me, this is the time that I would play with widening out the 1khz+ freqs, especially on that main bass/mid bass sound. It’s a nice sound, now open her up, freq layer it, and create some width and depth. You’ve also got a nice cyber sound on one (or a few) of those turnaround sounds. If it were me, I would widen it out fairly fat, and then automate from fat to thin or thin to fat. This is a subtle little trick that puts the listener in the middle of the sounds, and creates the illusion of the sound moving through and around them.

        I get it that mono/clubs is where it’s at for some folks, but if you can create some sparkle for the home listener while keeping the meat in mono, fully weighty, I think you’ll be doing some good.

        Keep going!

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #55246

        Hey Shrike,

        Thanks for extensive feedback, much appreciated!

        As for the widening automation – this trick I use always before drop on the master bus – it makes the drop hit more. Never thought about using it more in in the track, so thanks 🙂 But thats narrowing and then re-widening back to normal of already existing stereo information. How you recommend to add it? Just boosting side on eq, adding very short delay or both?

      • #55250

        Good question. I have a few goto methods, all revolving around the same kind of approach:

        Split the freqs so that you get a clean hi layer that you can affect without disturbing bass freqs.

        -Add chorus, or use a delay to get a faux Haas: pingpong, ~22ms delay, dial in feedback/wet

        -Take the high sounds and pan L a bit (~20-30%) , then take a dupe of that, go to the right, and throw enough effects on it to make it distinct from L, but different enough so that you don’t have to worry about phase cancellation. Sometimes I will do this x’s 3, meaning I leave the unaffected version straight down the middle, and then provide different effects to each the L & R pans.

        -autopan is a very effective weapon, even just a subtle slide left and right can make a big difference.

        Yeah that trick to go mono-ish before the drop is a good one. I’ve done that before, need to incorporate it more.


        _-| get to work |-_

      • #55283

        Nazdar 🙂

        Shrike already gave you a long feedback, so I will just post some notes (probably gonna be overlapping with him)

        Rubber duck
        – I like the overall vibe. This can be solid track once polished.
        – Buildup (intro-drop transition) is weak. Could use longer buildup of energy/expectation.
        – Drums in drop are punching through well and the drum fills with toms/snares are cool (you could probably make them bit louder).
        – Needs more variation. I would like to hear more neuro hits along the way (e.g. 2:02)
        – Overall, the sound is a bit ’empty’. I think adding saturation to your grups (drums,bass) might help. Also something like 10% wet OTT at master/mixbus could fill the space as well.

        – Now that’s a great buildup 🙂
        – The sound overall is unfortunately somewhat lo-fi. Sounds like a tune from a few/several years ago. However, I don’t think it’s necessary to change it (unless you want to release this at a label). It can keep this ‘oldschool feel’. If you would want to change it, you would probably need to tweak/remix most of the channels and possibly even switch some samples. I personally would stay with the lofi/oldschool version and move on 🙂
        – I don’t like the arrangement progression. The first phrase of a drop is great. It has a good groove. Then in the second one you basically kill it and everything slows down. The last one is also slower and only ramps up back to the initial groove in the second half just before the break at 3:00. This wouldn’t work well for me during mixing or even dancing. Subjective: I would prefer having first two phrases with the initial fast groove and then slow down during the third/last phrase, where I would be either mixing in another track or I would just let play this one and let the breakdown hit.

        note:. I do not know the correct naming. When I say “breakdown” I am talking about those calm phrases between drops 🙂

        hope this is helpful,
        feel free to pm me at soundcloud/facebook if you want to talk in cz/sk sometimes 🙂

    • #55086

      So this came out of me:

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #55178

      Yo Shirke!

      I dont’t think your drums are pushed enough or loud enough in the mix. Other than that, wicked little tune. Crazy sound design!

      Ima hit you right back. What do you think of this

      • #55282

        Like the tune. I am having a hard time recommending something. I think the snare sounds somewhat clipped sometimes but I wouldn’t say you have to do anything about it. I honestly don’t know what this style is (maybe something like oldschool jumpup?) but I heard more similar tunes and I would say your overall sound/mixdown is on point with the others.

        I agree with Shrike on variation (add a bit more) and birds – they could be dimmed a bit.

        btw: VIBE ASSASINS… how many ppl are behind this? 🙂

    • #55188

      Yup, totally agree. That Airlock tune just has a slap mix strapped across, no love to make the drums poke. Kind of a bad habit, TBH…I need to push the initial WIP mixes a little further. Thanks for the feedback, mate. Can’t decide if it’s a wholly dumb tune, or if there really is something there.

      On to yours:

      Drums are doing their thing fairly well, loud & such. Concept works well. I can dig the environmental atmos sounds (bird chirping), but I would personally back them off during the initial bars of the two drops. This gives the drops focus, and gives the listener a break from hearing them, which makes them more sonically appealing when they do reappear.

      I’d say something similar about that chord/pad/thing, except that I might filter it up and down, in and out, just to give it a little more movement in and out.

      I think variation, overall, is the my point here. HP the bass sound on turnarounds, stutter the drums in places, etc.

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #55259

      It needs more fattening and polishing, but I’m feeling okay about this one.

      Any and all feedback appreciated. Thanks brufvs

      _-| get to work |-_

    • #55276

      Hi People,

      One of my unfinished tracks…..Feedback are welcome 😉

      Wish all a nice weekend !

      • #55280


        that’s a proper fat tune. Nice work.
        The overall atmosphere works well.

        what would I try to improve:
        – drums: The drums sound good in the intro, but in the 3rd phrase (starting 1:06) they get a little bit lost (not much). I think the kick could punch thru a bit more. Snare as well. Tops sound fine.
        – intro/buildup: the third phrase (0:44 – 1:06) has almost all the sounds from the drop so it makes the drop almost non-existent. I guess it was an intention to make a roller style and it works. It’s just my personal preference… I think I you would make the buildup build the atmosphere/expectation more and then add a bit of fade/silence at the end of it (just before the drop), it would hit way harder (I like these pre-drop moments at the dancefloor).

    • #55304

      Hi Balron,

      Thanks for your feedback.
      It will help me a lot 😉

      Have a nice Weekend !

    • #55402
      ,Target Audience

      what do you guys think? Would it fit into a cheeeesy horror movie soundtrack?

      • #55403


        Not in a cheesy horror film. This could have fit right in for something like “Attack the Block”.

        I think this is my favorite that you’ve done, Erkki. Nice! Finish it!

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #55439

        No. DnB doesn’t fit into a horror movie 😀
        However, that second part of your intro would. Nice work 😉

        My notes:
        – The initial drop kick has no punch. You need to fix this. The initial kick has to shake your liver a bit.
        – the screams are really nice
        – the neuro bass hits are ok, but miss the top presence that scream fx has. I would try to saturate/distort/layer the tops of your mid bass
        – the snare blends well with tops (maybe even a bit too much). It definitely feels longer than needed. I would try shortening it a bit (it usually works..)

      • #55802
        ,Target Audience

        cheers guys, will have you hear the final product once I manage to finish it

    • #55407

      Hi there guys, hope everyone is well! Recently signed up to Sample Genie and loving the content, would be super appreciative if anyone gets the chance to check out a couple of the liquid tracks I’ve been working on recently.
      Any kind of feedback welcome!

      Here’s one:

    • #55408
      • #55418

        very lovely

        the bottom has a little flab that I think you might want to look into…it’s either ultra low freqs, or there are freqs that are competing to be the lowest fundamental, and I kinda think it’s maybe a bit of both

        I’ve been mixing for awhile, so my ears are a little haggard, but: I think your pretty atmos and top layers need a little more sheen & air. Some surgical lifts in the high frequencies may do you some good, and maybe even some multi-band comp, trying to pull out the top of the middle and bottom/middle of the highs.

        Nice work!

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #55427

        Thanks a lot for the feedback mate, much appreciated! 🙂

      • #55438

        hey, nice tune. Not my style, but I would consider it a good liquid 😉

        Some notes on top what Shrike said:
        – the kick could somehow fit better. Granted I don’t know typical liquid kick right now, but I would enjoy this one more if it would be punchier (stronger sidechain/eqing) and a bit lower (in key). If it’s G, try to move it down to F (maybe it won’t work.. dunno).
        – I don’t like the long release of sidechain at the background atmo pad. It has this slow pumping effect. I don’t like pumping in these atmospheric tunes. If you are sidechaining it there to make a space for drums make the release shorter.
        – Drums are the same all the time. I would try to mute at least the hats/shaker layer in the last phrase of a drop. As kind of transition between drop and breakdown + maybe a space for a track that a DJ might start mixing in?

      • #55559

        Cheers for checking it out man, really appreciate it! 🙂 Yeah one or two other people I’ve played this to suggested maybe changing the sidechain, especially in the intro

    • #55441

      – I don’t like the long release of sidechain at the background atmo pad. It has this slow pumping effect. I don’t like pumping in these atmospheric tunes. If you are sidechaining it there to make a space for drums make the release shorter.

      I’m gonna disagree with this point. I actually almost called out that pumping pad as something that I really liked. It’s kind of a call out to prog house & whatnot. I think it’s a stylistic, subjective thing more than it is anything technical. I get it. Not Balron’s cup of tea. That choice is more on the artist, imo.

      _-| get to work |-_

      • #55444

        Absolutely 🙂

        All the feedback I give is based on my personal taste. Author of given piece is free to ignore everything I suggest, but I am going to write it anyway. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be much to offer from my side.

    • #56695

      Hi guys thought this might be a good place to post my finished EP ‘Darkness’ I’m going to put all the tracks up for free download when I get to either 100 followers on my soundcloud (78 so far) or any 1 song gets 100 plays. If you like what you hear please show some support and feel free to like and share. Cheers.

    • #56699

      Hey blackphil,

      nice work with the ep. Your tracks sound good. However, I personally think this topic isn’t the right “please share, like and subscribe” place. So far it has been about feedback between all of us. Would be great if it could stay like that.

    • #57174

      Silly fun time for today:

      A little polite at the drop, and I’d like to some choppy, alty drums in there, but hey, CYBER AF. Would like to push the cyber vibe even further.

      All feedback welcome, thanks for the listen!

      _-| get to work |-_

      • #57234
        ,Target Audience

        First thing that surprised me was that all the elements come out quite well, so good job with the mixdown part so far.Your bass is loud and moving so that’s also well done, mate. Only thing is the sound of the snare which isn’t really my cup of tea how it sounds (could try to pitch up 1 or 2 semitones, that might give more energy to it?) and some ghost snare hits or other type of top & perc could bring some spice to overall drum groove as well. Good job nevertheless 🙂

    • #57682

      I finally built a snare that I have confidence in…

      _-| get to work |-_

      • #57702

        Listening to this at speakers now.

        – Kick is a bit softer than it was in headphones. Still working fine tho.
        – Snare is good 🙂 Maybe it could have a tiny bit more hiss/air/presence? (but maybe it’s because I turned down my tweeters)
        – I don’t like that one hat pattern coming from left side. It’s off the grid.. maybe it’s triplet? I cannot tell, but it sounds like the drummer guy missed the rhythm 🙂
        – The 16th hats on the right, on the other hand, are on the grid but somewhat ‘dry’ or boring/simple for this specific tune. I guess I would like to hear something more processed and with more white noise.

      • #57721

        Great feedback Lord Balron.

        When you say the kick is a little too “soft”, what freq range do you suggest attending to? Do I look in the 1-2.5k for snap? 5k+ for pop? More low? Or just an overall thing…?

        I’ll look into those hats…I agree there is something not quite right about the performances.

        Thanks, as always!

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #57983

        Don’t know what frequency exactly… right now it sounds like just a sub + a tiny pop/click in the tops. It’s quite lost during the first drop phrase. Works better during second but it still could cut through more. In this case I would say you could cut more from the sub bass sidechain or pitch the kick up a bit (however, I like it this low so I would try carving the sidechain more and see if it doesn’t ruin the bassline flow too much).

    • #57698

      My latest one. This time even with some ‘musical’ elements 🙂
      I consider it done but I would like to get feedback so I can make final edits before I send it to the public officially.

      • #57745

        sounds done balron bass is great. sounds like heavy metal!!!

      • #58001

        Thanks JUAN 😉

        note for others: I’ve released it a few days later and deleted the old version so the link is broken now.

    • #58178

      Hey, seen this thread and wanted to share a small little tune I’m working on currently 🙂

      First post, so there you go. I’d love to hear some feedback or suggestions.


      • #58214


        welcome 😉

        – The rain-like noise in the intro is nice although a bit too loud maybe (tune is hidden behind it… dunno if that’s the intention)
        – The vocal sounds distorted before the drop. I personally would prefer to have the vocal pristine and with some reverb fade/rise effect. I can hear the distortion even later in the tune and I don’t like it in the context.
        – The high pitch ‘screech’ (or however is it called) is killing my ears and therefore the whole tune (for me personally). I would murder that sound and dig it six feet under the ground (at least) 😀 Instead I would focus on the atmosphere building around the vocal.
        – kick and snare is fine (even though a little bit muddy)
        – tops/highmids are a bit messy with those breaks and percussions hitting around. Again, just a matter of taste but right now it feels like there are two tunes mixed together (one with the vocal and atmos, second with breaks and some leads). I would pick one or at least make one of them less prominent so it just softly adds up to the overall sound.

        Take this just as my subjective opinion… what you like/enjoy is more important 😉

      • #58279

        Thanks for the reply mate 🙂

        and yeah that screeching sound can grind some gears I guess hahaha
        Will probably try to clean up the drums and the overall sound but I guess I’ll let it rest for a couple of weeks

      • #58305

        Welcome to the fray, Martial!

        Very jungley, nicely done.

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #58318

      Hey Guys!
      This is my new track im long in the game, i am one of the organizers from the Fasten Your Seatbelts event series located in Austria, if you know them! I would like to know what you think, is the idea good and what do you say about the sounds in general and sound design? At the moment it’s still clipping cause i haven’t been doin any mixing but still feedback would be really appreciated! 😀 thanks guys!

      And here is the Link!

      • #58327

        Welcome Climax!

        Your caveat on clipping notwithstanding, I will just comment on what I hear:

        Your intro sub is distorting quite a bit (I know you know this)

        The intro is also just a little sparse for me…this is a very subjective thing, but if this is meant to be used in a club, you may want to give the dj a little more to grab onto. Just some more tops and atmos, and personally I would be filtering that bass in and out, maybe not ever letting the full signal through until the drop, for more impact.

        I dig the drums, organic and crunchy.

        Sound design is working out fine to deliver the concept, but you might think about creating some “hero” monster sounds, that stand out from the rest, and these could be used on downbeats or turnarounds. The “monsters” in the bg, the verb’d ones, work well to support the narrative…but I could use a few that are in your face, and are a little twisted in the sound design.

        All subjective feedback. I think the tune overall is holding up fairly well, just maybe needs a little more spit & polish.

        Hope that helps

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #58371

        First off, thank you really much for taking time 😀

        Yeah im definitely gonna work on the intro! I don’t really get what you mean by “hero” monster sounds can you explain further? :s

      • #58408

        I guess he meant the “monster” voice sample you used in the background. I really dig the track, mix it proper and (maybe) let it rest for a couple of days. Helps me at least. Otherwise great track and schöne grüße aus Wien 😀

      • #58424

        I’ll find some examples. If you make the tune dl-able I’ll mess with it, but I know that not everyone is interested in that.

        I think the monster sounds in the back are fine…I’m talking about the moments where Jaws gets close to camera…or whatever monster analogy you prefer…the Xenomorph jumps out and forehead-bolts someone…the predator screams in the tree…the scary hero moments where you can really push that narrative idea. Focused for just a few moments.

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #64114
      ,Zero Four

      A free download for people, made in memory of my mate who passed away.

      Feedback would be good 🙂

      • #64149

        Sorry for your loss. I like the tune, musically it’s sound, you could vary midrange-y bass horn sound that plays throughout, more noise/sound fx to keep the tune varied, maybe have the shaker come in a bit later like 16 bars later. you could add a new shuffle when it drops again, you could introduce a new melodic line when the break happens @2:34 to incorporate in the 2nd drop, or opt to have the 2nd drop be stripped back, and make it more bass driven, removing the strings, keeping the piano

        Really just make it less loop-y feeling.

        I do like the rain, and the placement of everything, arrangement is sound.

    • #64414

      whatup people, got a few completed tracks and some WIPs new and old that I uploaded tonight which would be awesome to get some feedback on. Some are from last year, but I tweaked the mixdown slightly on a few tonight just to tame some treble etc. I Hope I’m not posting too many tunes at once, and I apologise for my verbose descriptions, I’ve been up all night drinking working on tunes.

      This one’s from Feb last year, haven’t touched it since except for tonight to remove some treble and boost the sub.

      This one was one of the first few tunes where I messed around with bass samples from sample genie instead of trying to make every. single. bass synth. myself. so that was fun. I like the LFO’d reverb’d vocal.

      This one I have all the sounds coming straight out of an Akai S2000 and an Emu e6400 classic. It’s a bit barebones and could do with some sub reinforcement, but I like the mixdown.
      Needs some more activity in the higher freqs, maybe some stabs or bass wobbles or a stealthy melody that might fit in there.

      This one is from 2018 or 2017 but I picked it up a few days ago to do some variations and try to complete it. What I got now sounds like two different songs, maybe they belong on an EP together, but I think they’re too similar. This project is pretty old so when I loaded it up a lot of VSTs that were processing different elements were missing. The last sixteen bars is the new addition, and it sounds nice on two pairs of headphones I have but haven’t had a chance to mix on speakers, it didn’t seem to hold up when I briefly checked it on my monitors.

      One last one for now, I just went back and tried to tidy up my submission to sample genie lamp sessions monthly challenge #007. I did some level tweaking and a lot of adjusting some compressor settings etc. Maybe didn’t remove as many sounds or carve out as many frequencies as people were suggesting but it is tidier and I can cull further if people suggest. I’m pretty happy with the mixdown on these headphones in mono and stereo but haven’t had a chance to hear this on my monitors at all yet.

      I’ve got wayyyy too many damn WIPs uploaded to Soundcloud (65, some WIPs some complete) but that’s half for my own enjoyment – I like being able to flick through a lot of my projects quickly just to listen back. I won’t list anymore for now, but if anyone gets the chance to have a scope of some more of the recent or older tunes on my soundcloud go nuts. If you drop me a like on sc I’ll give your tunes a listen because I’ll know you’re from sample genie and give you a like back.

      Anyways would love any suggestions or comments at all. Some of the WIPs you guys have posted have been pretty sick so far, good work.

    • #64424

      Been a minute, but finally got back into this project. Taking on board what balloon/Shrike said about the track. Hopefully this works better 🙂

      Nothing of interest here.

      • #64636

        Yo I have been slacking on my feedback…need to get back into it.

        If you’d like, make this tune DL’able and I will put it under the microscope. I hear freq issues, but would rather not guess at feedback…

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #67384

        There you go man, up for download now 🙂

        Nothing of interest here.

    • #64768

      Hi! First-time poster to the forum after being subscribed a good long while… it’s a pleasure to be here. I saw this thread on the front page and figured it would be best to pseudo-introduce myself and my recent work. Been trying at this track for a few days now, wanted thoughts on the mix/master of the drops since they’re 99% written. Thanks muchly!

      • #64779

        I will add that if you have compositional suggestions i’d love to hear them! I’ll probably double the length of the individual drop halves so they have time to play out, add some more variation throughout.

      • #64795

        Welcome, Waxx

        Interesting track. On more of a jumpy, commercially vibe (commercial meaning accessible).

        That snare is awfully polite…try adding a layer of noise on top so that you fill in that 2-6khz range a little more…at the moment it sounds muffled.

        It’s hard to give arrangement notes with this, as it is just kind of a clip at the moment.

        The halftime is fun. Filter or effect that male vox a little bit throughout, it gets a little repetitive, and doesn’t move in any particular direction.

        fun party vibe
        keep going

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #64796

        Thank you for the kind words! I’ve tried more obtuse work before, but my heart keeps pulling me back to the 1-2-step. I’ll be sure to give what you suggested a shot when I’m off work.

    • #67504

      Hey guys, I have a new one I have just cooked up. The QZB boys inspired me on this one, hope you dig it! Blughhh


      • #67522

        Yeh boiiii, nice one, I really dig it!

      • #67575

        Oh yes yes…this shit works. Very very good.

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #67576

        Big up guys! Glad you’re liking it. ?


      • #68047

        baaaadboi tune mate, really nice one 😀

      • #68178


        This tune has gotten over 6 thousand listens in only 9 days! Well impressed by that.

        Any tips on getting that many ears? Other than the obvious (make good shit).

        Well done!

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #67896

      here’s a heavy one i started this morning. coming along well i think. one thing i’m struggling with is the mixdown, it’s just so heavy and dense and so many sounds it took me a fair bit of tweaking just to get to its current state. however, i’ll keep at it. any thoughts anyone?

      • #67901

        Yeah bottom is just kind of soupy. There is no clear differentiation between the bass and the kick, and the kick doesn’t have enough tops to whack through. Same goes for the snare. I felt like I was waiting for it to drop the entire time, but it never quite cleared up. There are no “hero drums” to speak of.

        Now for the good stuff, that bass sounds like it’s a fucking monster, if you can just let the thing out to breathe. Sounds like old Trace/BC, which I am always a sucker for.

        Methinks maybe there are just too many sounds in there trying to compete at once…? I think for sure you should let some things rest for some bars. Like that lead sound, the once that we hear very last, it’s great, but you run it the whole time, so it wears down. If you’ll drop it out for 16 or 32 bars in there somewhere, it will be much more impactful when it comes back. Also I think it needs more distinguished turnarounds. HP the drums or bass at the end of 8 or 16, or drop more things for a bar on the 4’s 8’s & 16’s. DJing this thing would be a bit of a nightmare, at least on vinyl, cuz I don’t quite know where I am at, and there are few clues to get me back on the path.

        Don’t get me wrong, there are some great tings in there, I know it sounds like I’m maybe dogpiling it…but I think if you did some of the things above this thing could really crush.

        _-| get to work |-_

      • #67902

        Nah I think all your points are valid. Still super early days for this tune as I only started it this morning. The kick isn’t interfering with the bass frequency wise as I tuned it but the drums need a lot of cleaning up as it’s several layers with untidy editing, but in this bounce it is pretty muddy. I’ll strip back the drums so there’s less overlap and more definition on the kick and snare, I’ll make them more solid and punchy. Will definitely add more sounds and cues to hint at the phrasing as well. Time for a break for now though but next time I crack open the project I’ll definitely keep what you’ve said in mind. cheers.

      • #67928

        tweaked it for another little while and came up with this:

        better? worse? indifferent? whole new set of problems?

        there’s still not enough sounds to indicate the phrase which is up next

      • #68059


        I think the next thing to address is the high end. It’s a little muffled right now, as if there is a LPF at around 5khz or so. It might involve tweaking/eq’ing the tops you have now, or possibly introducing some new sounds to fill out that range.

        And the kick and the snare need more tops. A crash or noise layered on.

        This is a GREAT reference for kick & snare, esp for nice, patty tops that aren’t too harsh:

        Keep going, there is some really wikked gnarly shit in there, just need to pull it out and make it shine

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #68007
      ,Ashley AlienExpo

      Well well! It’s a pleasure to finally say hello and show my existence to you guys! My name is Ash and i’ve been making DnB for around 5 years. I live and breathe it and just recently moved to the Uk just to be closer to the scene (Bristol in particular). I’ve been using sample genie for around a year or so but i didn’t really use the forum often however i’m planning on changing that!
      My artist name is Alien Exposure and i’ll show you first off one of my older tunes (about a year ago) and see what you guys think. Im planning on sending it off with some newer ones to the sample genie send-out next month and would love to hear what you guys think!
      It’s nice to finally be posting. 🙂
      Here’s the soundcloud however i’ve also put a link to dropbox for better sound quality (and download if needed)

      • #68008

        Hey Ash im digging the vibe did you complete the track or is it just a clip? Sounds well balanced just think you can use some midbass edits every now and then to evolve the track a bit more

      • #68013
        ,Ashley AlienExpo

        Hey Juan, yeah i pretty much classed it as finished, however i’m up for improving it once i see what kinda things everyone is saying about it 🙂 the full thing is in the dropbox link under the soundcloud link but the second drop doesn’t have anything new it’s just the same. (i’ll probably do some changes when i open it back up)

      • #68060

        Welcome to the fold, Ash

        Nice tune! Solid mix. If you’re looking for feedback, I’d say the snare might need a little more tweaking. Without seeing it (spectrum-wise), I think the low fundamental (~250hz) needs to be snappier, a more abrupt envelope, less sustain. It just feels a little too chunky to my ears right now. But that is for sure a preference thing. I think it could just give it more smack and whack as opposed to feeling a bit obtuse.

        Be sure to participate in our monthly challenges, which should start again in March. The more competition the better!

        _-| get to work |-_

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