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    • #26593

      Is there anyway of knowing what tutorial will be available each month before we pay for it. I would like to avoid paying for my subscription then finding out that I do not want the video.

      Thanks for any replys.

    • #26646
      ,GENIE HQ


      From next season (starting this July) we’ll be giving more advanced notice on what the upcoming tutorial will be. However every now and then we’ll still spring the surprise on you 🙂

    • #26670

      Hello, I also have a related question. The videos that were available for streaming on our ‘Your videos’ page, are now available for purchasing, is that correct? On a different note, the Halogenix and Lenzman videos are due on the next batch, in 4 months time? Thank you.

      • #26684
        ,GENIE HQ

        Hey there,

        Yes some of the older videos from this season are now in the Vault to buy as downloads..
        the last 4 months worth of tutorials are not in there yet however.

        And yes Lenzman & Halogenix are both on the team for next season, which starts in July.. just 2 months! So expect tutorials from them coming out over the next year :]

      • #26704

        That’s great news! Thanks!

      • #26736

        And Disprove?????? plzplzplz

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