Tune feedback!

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    • #39945
      ,Mind Zero

      Hello genies! I’m currently working on a track and I would like to hear your thoughts as I go through the final stage. I will appreciate your reviews!


    • #41403
      ,GENIE HQ

      Wicked intro, atmospheric, enticing… drawing the listener in..
      Nice groove on the main section as well as some cool sounds.

      perhaps a touch random sounding? As in lots of cool sounds in isolation, but are they working together to tell a story? Are they all from the same planet?

      Tune breaks down nicely and after a good amount of time.

      Second build is creepy AF! Nice opening into the reverb before closing it down again into something drier. Nice modulations on the sounds and general changes.

      Overall the mix is maybe lacking in top end energy and all round limiting to make it sound sonically as impressive as it deserves…

      Stereo spread is nice. Overall clarity and separation in the sounds is good.

      Nice vibes… hope this helps 🙂

      • #41466
        ,Mind Zero

        Thanks for the words!! It’s really useful to have this kind of points of view

      • #41470
        ,Sunken Forest

        Hey man, nice work on this! It’s got a nice groove to it, and plenty of progression to keep it interesting.

        I would agree with the Genie’s point about some top end, personally I feel as though some of the sounds could be thickened out, maybe with some parallel processing. But obviously that’s more a stylistic choice.

        I would disagree regarding the stereo image though. My digicheck is reporting the mix is pretty mono, and on collapsing to mono the track is exactly the same. So maybe a bit of depth in the mix.

      • #41471
        ,Mind Zero

        Thank you!! And yeah probably you’re right, because I use to worry a lot about mono compatibility that sometimes I forget about the depth in stereo hahahah

      • #41524
        ,Sunken Forest

        Same here. Always searching for ‘the way’ to get an uber wide sounding mix that collapses to mono perfectly.

        The struggle is real.

      • #45331

        To get it to collapse to mono with no issue:

        Never pan, only Haas, and widen at various amounts, alternating left and right offsets.

        The chain I use is: MSED w/side muted, then kilohearts Haas to dial in wideness and l/r offset.

        Since I’ve started doing this on every channel but my pure mid bizness (sub, kick, snare), it’s actually become quite easy to keep things in check.

        I have a lamp submission that I want to polish up just a bit more, then I’ll submit and you guys can check it.

        _-| get to work |-_

    • #45028

    • #45329

      i like it

    • #45332

      @Jamie you have that posted on splice too, right? Just heard it the other day, and I might have even grabbed the project.

      Nice sub with that really sour, rusty top end. Strong.

      Sounds great, and sounds better than the version you had up four months ago. Seems like you’ve put some work into it, and it’s paid off.

      Now make more!

      _-| get to work |-_

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