zkiso – Lgar (The laughing robot)

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    • #294525

      Hey there

      So I have this track I’ve been working on. It is mixed, but I haven’t done the final limiter on it yet. Feedback would be awesome!


      I have another track I’m busy mixing which has a similar vibe.

    • #295310
      ,GENIE HQ

      Nice textures in the intro sounds and then the drop: unique and well processed, loads of nice harmonic detail in the mids / high mids.
      Tune has a nuts rave quality to it that is honest about what it is, good work! 😀
      Progresses well and rolls on as a raver / dancer would want.
      Would be a nice tune to roll out a mix with.

      Always cool to hear unfinished stuff, but maybe think about fully finishing two tunes, mastered etc to the bets of your ability and then more detailed feedback might be an option.

      • #295573

        Haha thanks so much! I just wanted to make a tune to make people move and obviously add some of my craziness. Really constructive feedback there, appreciate it!

        I actually wanted to see if this tune is ready for master. I have sent it to someone that’s doing a master and then I have just done one. Just to compare..
        So here is a link to my master version 😀


        I actually have a few tunes finished. Just doing final mixing on them and then a master. So I’ll keep you posted

      • #295807

        Do I need to make another post for the tune that I have going with this one? I will still do some tweaks on it. But this one is at least louder.
        This one is called Ripper Roo. So just imaging a looney kangaroo bouncing around on the dance floor


      • #297878
        ,GENIE HQ

        Really cohesive and fat sounding mix there too.
        Unique texture to the overall mix – not something we see all that often 😀

    • #295376

      Listened to this tune 3 times straight. Love it, it’s a floor filler for sure. Lovely groove and very well structured. Be great to hear this mastered.

      • #295574

        Wow cheers! That’s a very positive response! In that case I’ll keep you posted!

        I have started the mastering process (probably not the final, but it should be better listening now) –


        Happy listening

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