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  • in reply to: Mixing percussion and cymbals (hi-hats, ride, etc) #41840

    If you haven’t checked out Disprove’s drum distortion class, you may want to. It may help answer some of your questions, at least from the perspective of one producer (albeit a mad genius one).

    Ultimately, since it is music and therefore art, there is no objective right answer to any of it, but there is “better” & “worse”, at least in the collective opinion. That is to say that there is no substitute for time in chair, listening, creating, analyzing, comparing, rinse + repeat.

    There isn’t an artist out there that I want to sound exactly like. I want *my* music to come out. Which means I get the advice and opinions of those whose sound I respect, but ultimately it has to go into the mad science lab and I have to make what is in me. And it also means failing. A lot. To try and find something somewhat unique to me, that also fits into the larger aesthetic/vibe. Break your shit, within reason, and go with what you like. These amazing sounds we are hearing are often rooted in someone misusing/abusing some tool to their own ends. That is what is great about the Disprove video- he pushes and pushes, and to me it’s more about the mindset when creating, and not so much about the exact plugins & methods he uses.

    My 2c

    _-| get to work |-_

    in reply to: No sound on the Lenzman tutorial? #41764

    Check your soundcard? Check on another machine? Run for the hills?

    _-| get to work |-_

    in reply to: My favorite new toy (Free Eurorack VST) #41763

    I have, yes. Reaktor can do amazing things. This one is a bit different, in that it attempts to stay 100% in the realm of emulating a hardware modular. They’ve really executed it well.

    Only gripe is that it isn’t a pure vst, but it wasn’t hard to route it back to my daw

    _-| get to work |-_

    in reply to: Who needs artwork? #41757

    Updated design after TA provided some good notes. Gonna ship this version.

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    in reply to: Who needs artwork? #41751

    Oh and since I never got DT’s to show up properly in the forum—

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    Just as an example of what’s on the menu…

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    in reply to: Who needs artwork? #41750

    Still re-working Suspect’s logo, but I threw down on Target Audience…

    Target Audience logo v001

    Anyone else, lemme know…

    _-| get to work |-_

    in reply to: No sound on the Lenzman tutorial? #41711

    Good here too

    _-| get to work |-_


    It should be along shortly, never fear.

    The Genie can confirm

    A great video,BTW.

    _-| get to work |-_

    in reply to: My favorite new toy (Free Eurorack VST) #41629

    Live will be the top answer, generally, then cubase and logic. I mainly use studio one, but also bitwig. And yes I don’t think there are a ton of reason users out there, although there are a few.

    _-| get to work |-_

    in reply to: My favorite new toy (Free Eurorack VST) #41626

    That’s actually very helpful, thanks bruv

    _-| get to work |-_

    in reply to: NYMFO Joins the Team! #41603

    So much liquid!

    _-| get to work |-_

    in reply to: joe ford mixdown tutorial #41593

    Some of those standard levels that you are mentioning (like -6dbfs on the master) are more of the conventional approach that works across the board for all styles of music. Leaving headroom for the mastering phase, so that you can get it to sound however you want (loud, punchy, etc).

    Joe is taking a very interesting shortcut and just getting it all done in the mix, skipping the step of leaving headroom for a final master. It seems to work very well, and makes a lot of sense for when you are working in genres like dnb, that are just expected to be loud and mixed to certain levels.

    For me, he’s kind of taken out some of the voodoo that happens between leaving all that headroom and getting a final loud mix. And I feel like it’s one of those insider secrets that won’t be discussed broadly, and might not even be relevant for all musical styles, but for dnb it’s quite sound.

    _-| get to work |-_

    in reply to: joe ford mixdown tutorial #41578

    I think it is, yes. Seems like he pushes everything to the levels that he wants, then uses the proL to catch anything that is going red. No need to ride limiter gain, as he’s got it all baked down as he likes before it hits the limiter.

    One thing I’d like to know is whether or not he touches it again at the mastering stage…? Since he’s already hit the levels and freqs he wants, and used every ounce of headroom he has, there’s not much left to apply more limiting to. I mean, he’s throwing it against mastered commercial tracks, not much place left to go after that…?

    _-| get to work |-_

    in reply to: Flat Beat (Scartip 160 hi-jack) #41577


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    in reply to: My favorite new toy (Free Eurorack VST) #41576

    So you would recommend your SV-1? I’m trying to decide whether to build out full custom, or to get a good starter like the sv1 and then just add to it. That one seems like a good balance of all things, and I already have a Moog Sub 37, so I’m not really interested in the mother 32 at the moment. I feel like I have the Moog Osc’s covered.

    _-| get to work |-_

Viewing 15 posts - 391 through 405 (of 434 total)

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